I’mabout to look away when she glances over her shoulder at me, her eyes wide and nervous.There’sa vulnerability there that’s new.Ihave to fight the urge to go to her, pull her out ofBeau’sarms, and put mine around her.Reassureher she’s okay.Thateverything is okay.
ButBeau’sjust as capable of looking after her asIam.Moreso, ifIlet myself think about it.Thetwo of them were best friends long beforeIcame on the scene.BeforeIwas dumped on my aunt’s doorstep.
There’sa bond between them, a familiarity thatI’venever been able to replicate.Itshouldn’t bother me so much.BecauseIknowShaeloves me.Evenif it’s not in quite the same way she lovesBeau.She’sstill my best friend, the wayBeauis, andIcan talk to her about anything.
Noteverything, though.
Fuck, that voice in my head isn’t giving up tonight.It’sbeen poking at me sinceShaesat on my lap earlier andIcouldn’t stop myself from looking at her lush bottom lip as she bit it.Fora second, the thought of pulling that soft flesh from between her teeth and nipping at it myself flashed through my mind, and the atmosphere between us had shifted.
I’dfelt it in the shake of her hand, andI’dstupidly let myself touch her in a way that was decidedly more than friendly.ThankgodBeauhad come out just then, because the last thingIneed is to act on any reckless impulses.She’soff-limits for more than one reason.
Aphotographer calls my name, andIturn and smile, let them snap a few photos, and then we’re up the stairs and into the hotel.Shaedrops back to walk beside me.
“Thatwas intense,” she says.
Ihuff out a laugh. “Yeah.You’llget used to it soon.”
Herlips curve, though the expression is a little strained. “I’mnot sure about that.”
BeforeIcan respond, we’re ushered into an elevator and whisked up to the top of the hotel.Shaegasps as we step out and survey the huge open space.Theclub is partly enclosed, partly open to the night sky.Whitesilk billows in the breeze, and twinkle lights wind through the ivy that covers the canopy arching across the open space.There’sa 360-degree panoramic view ofLA, like the one from our rooftop pool, except even more impressive because we’re higher.
Abar and dance floor take up one end of the space, while the other holds teak and wicker tables and chairs.Bothspaces are packed, and aDJhas a pounding beat going.Bodieswrithe on the dance floor or press together at the bar.
Shaeclutches my arm with one hand and points with the other. “IsthatDeclanMonroe?”
She’spointing to a nearby table where theA-list actor is sitting with his arms around two beautiful women.
Ilaugh and gently push her hand down. “Yourarm’s going to get tired if you spend all night pointing at celebrities.”
Sheflushes and bites into that full lower lip again.
Fuck.Sheneeds to stop doing that.It’sdistracting me, andIcan’t let myself be distracted by her.
“IseeZacandCassie,”Beausays and starts moving through the crowd.Iput my hand onShae’sback and we follow him.There’sa small gap between her top and that too-sexy skirt she’s wearing, andIcan’t help myself from smoothing my fingers over her warm skin.
ZacandCaleb, plusConnor,Tex, andNoah, are all here.AlltheFracturedmen have their wives or fiancées with them too.
“Hey, man!”Noahsays and slaps me on the back.Fractured’sblond-haired, blue-eyed drummer—Crossfire’sformer drummer—throws his arm around my shoulders. “Zactells us the tour was wild.”
It’sthe first timeI’veseen him since we got back toLA.
“Yeah, it was fucking awesome.Wewere wrecked by the end of it, though.”
Henods. “Occupationalhazard.”Heholds his hand out toShae.Whenshe takes it, he pulls her in and gives her a kiss on the cheek. “It’sgood to see you again.What’sit been, two years?”
“Prettymuch,” she says. “Congratulationson your wedding.”
Noah’ssmile is so wide, my cheeks almost hurt.Helooks over at his wife,Summer, who’s deep in conversation withConnor’swife,Lexie,Fractured’sofficial photographer, andTex’sfiancée,Eden, who, along withSummer, runs a successful music-based non-profit.
Asif sensingNoah’sattention on her,Summertucks her strawberry-blond hair behind her ear and meets his gaze.Whenshe noticesBeau,Shae, and me standing next to him, her pale green eyes light up.
Shesays something to the others, and then they’re all making their way over.SummerhugsBeauand me, and then turns toShae.
“I’mso happy you’re here,” she says.Shaehas metSummer,Lexie, andEdenbefore, but notCassie, who’s appeared atShae’sside.
“I’mso glad to finally meet you,”Cassiesays, giving her a hug. “Theguys talk about you all the time.”
Dowe?Iguess her name does come up a lot.