BeforeIknow it, the women have sweptShaeaway to the bar.Beaugoes up with them, making sure she’s okay before returning a few minutes later with a couple of beers.Hehands one to me.

“Thanks, man,”Isay and clink my bottle against his.

Calebjoins us, and we drink and talk for a while until slender arms slink around my waist from behind.Ipeer over my shoulder to find a pair of sparkling hazel eyes looking up at me.

“Hello, stranger.”It’sClarissa, a modelIspent a few hours with a month or so before we headed out on this last tour.

Sheslips under my arm, leaving one of hers around my waist.She’sbeing overly affectionate, considering the limited time we spent together.Likelybecause she’s looking for a repeat.ButI’mnot interested.Nottonight anyway.NotwithShaehere.

I’mnot one to be rude, though, soIleave my arm there for the moment.It’snot hurting anyone.

Exceptmy attention is pulled away fromClarissa, currently laughing at a storyCaleb’stelling us, to the bar where the women are still standing.

Shaemeets my gaze, her focus flicking from me toClarissa, then settling on where my arm is draped over the model’s shoulders.Igive her a smile, hoping she knows she can come back to us whetherClarissa’shere or not.

Shereturns my smile but quickly turns back to the others.

Ipull my arm away fromClarissa, earning me a pout. “Youwere keeping me warm,” she says.

It’slate summer.Hardlychilly weather.

Shesteps closer, her hands sliding under myT-shirt, her nails pricking into the skin over my ribs. “Iwas hoping you’d show me around your new apartment tonight,” she purrs.

BeauandIhad signed the lease for our new place just beforeIslept with her.Imust have told her about it, thoughIdon’t remember there being all that much conversation going on that night.

“Actually, we’ve got a friend staying with us,”Isay, hoping she’ll take the hint.

“Mmm, the more the merrier,” she says huskily.

“Afemale friend.”

Onepale eyebrow arches. “And?”

Ican imagineShae’sshock ifClarissamade that suggestion to her face.Italmost makes me smile.ButthenIhave a sudden flash ofClarissapeelingShaeout of her clothes, delicate fingers running over soft skin, and my dick leaps to attention.It’snot at the thought ofClarissa, though.It’sthe image ofShae, squirming and whimpering with need, that sends a hot surge of lust through my veins.

Itake a long sip of my drink and focus on the woman in front of me.It’sbeen a couple of weeks sinceIgot laid.Maybethat’s where all of this is coming from.Iwon’t takeClarissaback to our apartment, but maybeIcould take her somewhere now.Dosomething about the semiI’msporting.We’reon top of a fucking hotel, for god’s sake.Icould pay for a room, work this out of my system, then come back and spend the rest of the night trying not to think aboutShaenaked.

Exceptfucking a womanIdon’t want, to get the vision of my naked best friend out of my mind, sounds pretty damn sleazy.IeaseClarissaaway from me. “Maybesome other time.”

Disappointmentflashes across her face, but then she’s flicking her hair over her shoulder. “Yourloss,” she says and wanders away without a second glance.

CalebandBeauare grinning at me.Theyobviously heard every word.

“Younever know,Shaemight have jumped at the chance,”Calebsays.

Beauthumps him on the chest with the back of his hand. “She’snot into women.Andshe’sdefinitelynot intoDevon.”

Caleb’sbrows arch as he looks between us.Thenhe pins me with his gaze, his grin growing wider. “Really?BecauseI’mpicking up—”

“Really.”Icut him off.I’mnot interested in hearing his commentary on the subject.KnowingCaleb, whatever he was about to say would have been wildly inappropriate.

Orwould lead to a conversationBeauandIdon’t need to be having.

Anyway, we shouldn’t be talking aboutShaelike this.

LikeIcan fucking talk after whatIwas just thinking.

Beausmirks. “Yeah,Imean.Ifshe were going to go for one of us, it would be me anyway.I’mthe better looking one.”