I followed along, begrudgingly, admiring the pictures on the wall and decor. After meeting his brother, it should have been no surprise to see that James had an eclectic style, blending contemporary art and decor with bits and pieces of everything from traditional to rustic. In one corner stood a painting that was very abstract in nature, and in another, a peacock plume that looked completely out of place.

Down the hallway was a rustic chair straight out of the wild west, with a crazy ultra-modern vase standing on a pedestal beside it. Stunned by what I saw and how I was the one who apparently needed to upgrade my style, I wasn't prepared for the bedroom Andrew gave me.

Once the doors opened to the bedroom, it was clear James' taste differed in that department. The room, a pristine blending of white, cream, and black, was classic and contemporary all at once. Silk and satin graced the walls and bed, and a lovely sitting area with a large bookcase sat in one corner.

It looked like the perfect spot for some reading while enjoying the view from the French doors and balcony behind it. I stood in the doorway and looked around as Andrew placed my luggage in the room.

“Lovely, isn't it?” He smiled.

“Yes, whose room is this?”

“It used to be James' girlfriend's room. It's the nicest room in the house. James has an unusual taste, if you couldn't already tell. But, this room was devoted to his girlfriend when she lived here. He never did any redecorating. I wasn’t sure how he, or you for that matter, would feel being in here, but since you’re his employee, that shouldn’t matter. I wanted you to be comfortable, and not have nightmares.”

I smiled. “Point taken. No, this is lovely and perfect compared to what I saw coming upstairs. Goodness, does his brother do the decorating too, or am I to believe it’s James?”

“That is all him. I’m sorry to say, his decorating style is a hodgepodge of everything he likes — the wild west, modern art, nature, fashion — as you can tell with all the fabric hanging in odd places. He’s a mess, but the world loves him and his style, so I just turn a blind eye. You’d be wise to do the same.”

Andrew was at the door now, facing me. He smiled, but I could tell by the look on his face that something was on his mind.

“Be forewarned, many of his employees are not going to like you. Coming from the east coast isn’t going to help, and the fact that you're staying at his house is going to send a clear message. I just wanted to let you know.”

Anger erupted inside me when he looked me over from head to toe and frowned. Our eyes met, and I wanted to say something, anything, to let him know how rude he was being, but then I thought better. I needed as many people on my side as possible, but I was curious to know why he was telling me all this now.

“Thank you.” I smiled, and he did the same. “But why are you telling me all this? Do you have a few minutes so I can ask you a few questions?”

“I have much to deal with, if you’ll excuse me.” His smile faded as he backed out the door and clicked it closed.

Chapter Fifteen


LeavingGwenaloneinmy house was a very hard thing to do. With our past, all the sex we’d already had, and my mind forever calculating how long it would take to fuck her on the spiral staircase before anyone came around the corner, it was hard to focus.

Business kept my mind off it most of the time that day, and we shared a lovely dinner at my home instead of going out, thanks to my housekeeper, Margaret. Sitting together was easy, and we talked a lot about California, since Gwen had never been.

In between the potatoes and the meat, my fingers itched to toss the whole display of food aside and slide her up onto the large dining room table to grind myself deep inside her velvety slit, but I smiled and bided my time.

I would give her a few days, just enough time to settle in and get used to her new position at my office, and life in California. I wanted her to stay awhile, at the very least until I got bored with her, although that seemed very far away for me, which was a surprise.

I’d let her make some friends besides Martie at the office and see how things went, and then I’d swoop in for the kill. I’d have her back in my bed before she could say New York City.

“You look beautiful. Is that a new outfit?”

She was wearing a beautiful art déco blue dress, which reminded me of something I’d see at an art gallery. It fascinated me, and I wanted very much to touch it and her.

She smiled. “Yes, Martie took me shopping earlier, as you know. You didn't have to pay for everything. We went everywhere. It was so nice to see her, and she’s thrilled that I’m in California, although I didn't tell her I am coming to work in the office. Thank you for buying everything and the lunch, anyway. We ate at this lovely Japanese Hibachi Restaurant. It was heavenly.”

“You're welcome, Gwen. I told you I would pay for whatever you needed. So, what did you tell Martie about you being here?” I smiled, focusing overly long on her lips. They looked so succulent that I wanted to nibble on her bottom lip and see what it tasted like.

Our eyes met, and she frowned. Obviously, she knew where my mind was at.

“What can I say? I said we wouldn’t sleep together, but you can’t control my thoughts and feelings, even I can’t control that. Not that I’d want to, of course.” I laughed at my own joke and drank the rest of my wine.

“I told her you asked me to come out to California to finish everything that we’d been working on. She mentioned that was unnecessary because she wasn’t really sick anymore, but then just dropped it I guess. She didn't seem mad, more confused than anything.”

“I don’t give a damn what Martie thinks. This is my company and what I do, how I do it, and with whom is none of her or anyone’s business. I respect Martie, but frankly, after working with you, I realize she can overstep her boundaries a little, and the lines between employee and employer get easily blended.”

We finished our meal with a heavenly Irish cream cake that Margaret made, and some liquor. Gwen barely ate or drank any, but looked pleasantly satisfied, which was a terrible shame for me. The thought of dousing her in liquor, spreading frosting all over her naked body, and then licking it off appealed very much to me.