“Come on, I told you I'd give you a tour, and now is as good a time as any. So, you’ve seen the dining room. Let’s head to the living room and we’ll go from there. What do you think of my decorating?”

There was a long pause, but I was unbothered by it since everyone always did that. I left her plenty of room to contemplate how best to avoid offending me if that was even possible.

“It’s uh, interesting. I’m a bit confused by it, since it’s so busy, but I like it. If you sit back in a chair and look around, it's kind of like being in a museum or an antique shop. You never know what you’re going to see or find, and each area holds something new and intriguing, thought-provoking, and unusual.”

I stopped dead in my tracks, shocked that finally, someone got it. I had to turn around and face her to see those beautiful eyes as we spoke.

“Damn! I can’t believe you understand how my mind works, and what I was trying to accomplish. Every damn person who has come here since I decorated this place says nothing. It’s clear they don’t know what to say to me, but they don’t want to offend, so they just tiptoe around the subject. You went straight for the jugular and attacked, but you hit the mark instantly with your astute observation.”

“Well, I’m glad I could be the one who finally got it. I like it, James. It’s different, but very exciting. When I first got here, it put me off, but then I sat down and looked around and very much enjoyed it.”

“Thank you.”

Something in my chest felt tight, my throat felt like it was going to close, and the urge to pull her into my arms and hold her was tremendous. It rocked me on my heels a bit, but I shoved it to the side.

It's just sex man, just sex, and a pretty face!

“So, this is the living room. Come this way, and we will continue.”

I took her through the house one room at a time, from the exercise room to the sauna, pool, hot tub room, movie theater, greenhouse, music room, art house, and library, and all the others. It took a good hour as we stopped and talked here and there in each room. It impressed me how well she knew her art, and that she had a beautiful singing voice.

As we circled around my house, my eyes were drawn to her curves in her silky blue dress. The thought of running my fingers along her ass and up the back of her dress made my mouth water. We stopped in the foyer.

“Come on, I will show you all the bedrooms. There are seven. I barely ever use them, but it's nice to have them just in case I have a party and some people want to stay. Oh, before I forget, Walter will arrive tomorrow. Walter is my dog, if you remember. I sent him to the doggie day care and kennel while I’m out of town, so he doesn’t tear the house apart.”


“You’ll like him. Everyone always assumes Rotties are mean, but he’s not like that at all.”


Together, we wound up the spiral staircase, and after showing her three bedrooms, I was bored. Seeing so many beds had my mind on other things, and when we reached the fourth, a Grecian-themed room with a jacuzzi tub inside it, I’d had enough.

We were both standing in the room, admiring the gold and cream decor. I made a mental note of things I wanted to change to enhance the theme, like a funky, gold-embellished grape vine that was as big as a shower stall to put in the bedroom.

“So, I was thinking maybe we could just have one more night together to test out this jacuzzi. In all honesty, I never made sure it was everything I wanted it to be, and it’s big enough for two.”

I undid my jacket and removed it, tossing my tie aside and unbuttoning my shirt in front of Gwen, not at all shocked when she did nothing but stare silently.

“See something you like, darling?”

When her chin lifted a notch and our eyes locked, I knew the devil was back, and I longed to tame her.

“Actually yes, I’d love to run my hands, tongue, teeth, and lips all over you. You and I, sexually, are inseparable, but you made me a promise, and I won’t let you break that.”

She was backing away towards the door, but since I was taller, I beat her there and closed it slowly. She leaned against it, fire in her eyes, and I let go of my caution and ran my fingers down the side of her body along the silk of that dress that hugged every curve. Her intake of breath, the glaze of passion building in her eyes as we stared at each other, were hard to ignore. She sighed.

I knew it was just a matter of time. We wouldn’t regret it, and come tomorrow, it would be business only again if it killed me. But tonight, there was something exciting and special about my little seductress being under my roof, looking like a heaven-sent angel on fire with her flaming hair.

I leaned down and nibbled her neck, slowly moving to her cheek, and then those gorgeous lips. She made no move to stop me but didn't encourage me either.

So, it’s going to be that way, darling. Well, I’m up for the task. The question is, are you?

I hovered just far enough away from her lips to feel her breath fan across my lips, to study the lines and planes of her sweet face before plunging in like a wild-man ready to feast on his meal. She tasted like sweets and cool liquor. Her lips parted slightly, and I slid my tongue inside, taking that as an invitation enough.

Before I forced my point, she was kissing my back, soft little moans and cries escaping her lips as my hands roamed her body. I cupped her breasts and ran my hands slowly across her nipples. My other hand ran a trail up the front of her dress, pressed firmly against the front of her slit, and rubbed in a circle.

This is a piece of cake!