“Okay, that’s fair.”
“You wanna order some food?”
“I could eat.”
“What do you want?” I asked, picking up my phone.
“Surprise me,” she replied happily. “I’m going to pick a movie.”
“No sci-fi,” I ordered as I searched through my phone for the Thai place she liked.
“Why no sci-fi?”
“Because you always pick shows that have no fuckin’ ending.”
“I do not!”
“You do. The last three we’ve watched just stopped. No resolution, no sequel, just dead air.”
“Okay, that’s true,” she hedged. “But they’re not all like that. Just the low budget ones.”
“Horror,” I said, only half paying attention at that point. “Or drama or action or a fuckin’ western, no sci-fi.”
“I’m going to turn on a rom-com,” she threatened.
“No you won’t,” I muttered. “You know I’ll talk through the whole thing and ruin it.”
I was anticipating the foot that shot out to kick me and I caught it, rolling her little toe between my fingers just hard enough to make her screech and pull it back.
“You told me you weren’t doing it on purpose,” she snapped.
“I don’t do it on purpose,” I countered, putting my phone away. “They’re just so fuckin’ cheesy that I can’t help it. Food will be here in twenty.”
“You’re the worst. What food did you order?”
“You told me to pick, so you’ll have to wait and see.”
Nova growled and I laughed.
“You suck.”
“You said to surprise you,” I replied in mock defensiveness, raising my hand to my chest. “It’s not a surprise if I tell you.”
“Whatever,” Nova mumbled, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch. “I’m not sharing this. You can freeze.”
“Like hell.” I reached over and dragged her across the couch, tucking her in under my arm as I threw my feet up on the coffee table. “What movie did you pick?”
“It’s a surprise,” she mocked, laughing when I squeezed her head between my chest and forearm.
“I missed you,” she said with a sigh as the movie started. “I’m glad we both had time to hang out tonight.”
“Me too,” I murmured, giving her a squeeze.
“If you were busy, I was going to have to hang with Bird again.”
“Bird’s cool,” I pointed out.