Her hips rolled and she sucked at the skin on my shoulder, making my dick jerk.

“Fuck, baby,” I breathed, reaching for my jeans with my free hand. “We may need to play later.”

When I had the condom in my fist, I reluctantly pulled my hand away, making her whimper. I’ve never rolled a condom on so fast.

Then, I was working my way inside her, inch by inch, and her hips were doing that rolling thing again, and her hand was between us working at her clit, and I struggled to breathe.

I came before she did, but thank Christ, I stayed hard long enough for her to come, too.

She slumped against me as I pulled the condom off and set it on the floor, unwilling to move her off of me so I could take it to the garbage. Goddamn, she felt good. We’d barely finished fucking and I still couldn’t stand the thought of her skin separating from mine. I wanted her tits against my chest and her thighs pressed to mine and her breath on my neck.

“You called mebaby,” she said softly, not raising her head from my shoulder.


“I did.” My voice cracked and I cleared my throat. “Whoops.”

“I liked it.” She was so quiet I could barely hear her.

“Yeah?” Fuck, my heart was racing, and I wasn’t sure if it was from pleasure or goddamn panic.

“Maybe—” She paused. “Maybe we just keep it for when we’re in bed.”

My stomach swooped like I was on a roller coaster.

“Or couch?” My joke fell flat and I cleared my throat again. “Yeah, okay. Just when we’re naked.”

We stayed that way for longer than I cared to admit, cuddling naked on the couch. It was comforting, like a balm over the week I’d had. I ran my fingers up and down her spine until she shivered, then kissed her forehead.

“You’re gettin’ cold,” I murmured. “Hop up.”

She groaned as she climbed off me and bent down to retrieve her clothes.

“You stayin’ the night?” I asked nonchalantly as I pulled my boxers back on.

“I don’t have any clothes except these.” She wrinkled her nose as she swung her work pants from side to side.

I huffed and went to my room, grabbing her a pair of sweats and a T-shirt out of my dresser.

“Here,” I said, tossing them to her. She let them land in a heap on the couch, and I realized that she had the used condom in her hand. I could feel the back of my neck getting hot from embarrassment. “Shit, you don’t have to do that.” I reached for it, but she scooted away and headed for the bathroom.

“It’s just a condom,” she called over her shoulder. I could practically hear her eyes rolling.

“It’s my job to clean it up,” I called back, watching her ass sway as she walked. She was wearing these tiny black underwear, and I was pretty sure they were the kind that you bought in a five pack at the grocery store, but I didn’t think I’d ever seen anything sexier.

It was just her. Nova was just innately sexy no matter what she had on, and I couldn’t figure out why I hadn’t noticed it before. I’d always thought she was hot, but not give-me-heart-palpitations-hot.

I put the rest of my clothes on while she was in the bathroom and by the time she came out, I’d put the tequila away and was sitting on the couch again.

“I had to go in there to clean up anyway,” Nova said cheerfully as she ruffled my hair.

“I wasn’t tryin’ to be nasty,” I explained, watching her throw my clothes on. Now, why was that so satisfying? “I was plannin’ on picking it up when we were done.”

“Why are you being so weird about it?” she asked with a laugh, dropping back onto her spot on the couch. “It’s not like I haven’t touched every one of thosefluidsbefore.”

“I just don’t usually drop them on the floor when I’m done with them,” I countered.

Nova smiled at me and rested her head against the couch. “I would’ve been way more bothered if you’d pushed me off so you could go throw it away right when we were finished.”