Page 3 of Freedom Ride

Chapter Three



How many times do I have to tell you to call me Snapper?

Things are the same here. Sleep, eat, work, repeat.

I’ve been counting down the days until I get out of here, and now it seems crazy only a few more nights, and I’ll be a free man.

King came two days ago to visit.

I’m sure Meg has something crazy she is planning when I get released.

I just want to have a good meal and my bed when I get out of here.

I’ll call you once I get settled.

See you soon.


P.S. Tell Mindy to fuck off.



I folded the paper and set it on the desk. “Yeah.”

Nolan crossed his arms behind his head and reclined back on his bed. “I’m just glad you were okay with Lennox sending you letters all the time. No way in hell I could keep up with writing her all the time. I don’t even know what the hell you are telling her. We do the same shit every day,” Nolan scoffed.

“She’s your sister, Nolan. You should be thankful you still have a family.”

“I am thankful for my sister, but that doesn’t mean I need to be writing letters all the time. Thank god she was cool with writing you when I suggested it.”

It helped to pass the time the past three years. And it helped that Lennox was cool and didn’t care about the whole voluntary manslaughter thing. Nolan, her brother, was in for the same thing. He was in for vehicular homicide, and he still had five years left on his sentence. “Once I get out of here, you know she’s going to be back to writing you.”

Nolan shook his head. “Nah, she’s not because she’s going to be too busy with you.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “I don’t know about that. We may meet each other, and she might run for the hills.” Lennox and I had exchanged pictures, but we had never met in person. She lived in Iowa and hadn’t been able to get to Wisconsin to visit her brother.

The plan was once I got settled in, I would contact Lennox and plan a trip out to see her. I hadn’t been looking for a prison pen pal, but she had pretty much been dropped into my lap, and I didn’t mind it at all.

Sure, I pretty much did the same thing every day, but Lennox didn’t. She gave me a view into the real world that I needed.

“Lennox doesn’t give a shit what you look like, trust me. The fact she keeps writing your ugly ass after you sent her a picture of you proves that.”