Page 2 of Freedom Ride

Chapter Two


Dear Jonas,

You’re in the single digits! How amazing is that? You’ll be back on your bike before you know it. I don’t have much time to write today before I have to get to work. Mindy scheduled me to work the late shift all week, and it’s just messing with my regular schedule. I don’t go to bed until late, and then I sleep in. I wake up only a couple of hours before my shift, and before I know it, it's off to work. I’m pretty much just sleeping and working.

I do wonder if Mindy hates me or something because I saw the schedule for next week, and I’m working the late shift again every night. I guess I am going to have to become a night owl. At least I have Melody working with me most of the time. I know I’m not doing some important job working at the local tanning salon, but it’s paying my bills right now. And I’m technically a receptionist, so that will look good if I ever decide to find another job. Which might happen if I keep having to work from one to nine. Though there aren’t many places to work around town, and I need to stay close to home because I don’t think I could handle having a long commute on top of working eight or nine hours. I’m just a small-town girl.

Otherwise, things have been pretty quiet around here.

Doc and Marty are good puppies. I don’t think they are liking me being gone so much for work, but I gotta work to afford their food. It’s a good thing I can trust them roaming the house free; otherwise, I would feel even more guilty if I had to keep them in their cages for hours every day. And now I’m rambling again, you did say you liked when I did that, but I still don’t understand why.

I do need to get ready for work. I should probably pack a lunch, too.

And I’m rambling again, telling you things that don’t really matter.

Better go! I hope your day is going okay.


P.S. It’s also single digits until we get to see each other in person. Can’t wait for your call.
