“What is going on in that school of hers?” I said as we approached her.

She looked up at us and then looked at her watch. “It’s about time. You’re late.”

“Well, hello, Elisabetta. Nice to see you.”

“I’d say the same, but I don’t like lying,” she said, looking me up and down and looking at Alessandro. “I can’t believe Mama sent you two to pick me up.”

“Well, she did, and we’re going to get going now,” I said.

“What the hell are you wearing, Elisabetta?” Alessandro said what we were both thinking.

“Clothes. I know you’re not used to seeing women in clothes, but…”

I chuckled. “I guess she’s got you figured out, Alessandro.”

“Very funny,” he said, snorting.

“And I mean you, too.” She looked at me, her voice derogatory. “You’re both male whores, but then I suppose that’s because of who you are.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I said, starting to feel annoyed. I really didn’t want to have to put up with a brat for the next twenty-four hours.

“I mean, seeing as you’re both made men.”

“Okay, you do know that made men are paying for your schooling.”

“And it’s disgusting,” she said. “I don’t know why my mother works for your father. Ridiculous.”

“Okay, are you ready to go or are we going to continue to get a lecture in the middle of this random coffee shop?”

“I’m just saying,” she said. “I have principles, and I don’t want to be hanging around with common criminals.”

I nodded slightly. “And that’s me and my brother.”

“Well, aren’t you a common criminal, Antonio ‘the wolf’ Marchesi?” She looked over at Alessandro. “And what do they call you?”

“The falcon,” he said, smirking. “And you don’t need to know why.”

“I don’t want to know why,” she said, pushing her chair back and dropping a couple of singles onto the table. “Where are we going? I’m hungry.”

“Why didn’t you get something to eat?” I asked her. “You’ve been waiting for us for a couple of hours.”

“Because I didn’t want to pay for my own food.”

“What? You wanted a common criminal to pay for it?” I said, smirking.

She just sighed.

“So, Elisabetta’s all grown up,” I said to Alessandro as if she wasn’t there.

“Yep. She’s a right prima donna at the ripe old age of seventeen,” he responded.

“I’m right here, you know?” she said in an annoyed tone. “And I’m going to be eighteen in two months, so…”

“Good for you,” I said.

“I’m hungry.”

“Yep. She definitely still sounds like an annoying brat,” I said to Alessandro.