“Why don’t we hit up Melba’s?” he said. “Kill two birds with one stone and she can get some pizza?”

“Okay.” I nodded and looked back over at her. “We’re going to hit up a pizza joint. You can get something to eat there.”

“Do I look like I eat pizza?” she said. “I am on a keto diet. I only…”

“You can get a salad or something,” I mumbled under my breath, and I could hear Antonio laughing.

“God’s work,” he said, smiling at me.

“Uh-huh.” I just shook my head.

We walked to the Range Rover, and I got into the driver’s seat. Elisabetta stood next to the back door, waiting for someone to open the car door for her. I looked over at Alessandro.

“That’s all you, lil bro.” He shrugged and opened it for her.

“In you go, madam.”

“Thank you,” she said. “At least one of you has manners.”

I rolled my eyes as I started the ignition. “We’re going to get pizza, and then I’m going to take you back to my apartment where you can watch TV or do homework or whatever. I’m sure you have something that you can occupy your time with.”

“Why am I even with you?” she said.

“I don’t know. Because your mom is working right now and you’re meant to be in school.” I looked over my shoulder and stared at her. “You are still in school, right? They didn’t kick you out for being an insolent little child?”

She just stared back at me and played with her fingernails. “I’m hungry.”

“You said that, and we’re going to get pizza.”

Alessandro opened the passenger door and slid into his seat. “Okay, let’s go.”

“We’re going.” I sighed and pressed the speakerphone dial on the front of the car. It rang two times.

“Hey, boss, what’s going on?” Jimmy answered.

“Jimmy, we’re heading over to Melba’s now.”

“Okay. I can do some pizza.”

“We got Elisabetta with us.”


“Luisa’s daughter.”

“Oh, I thought she was at that preppy boarding school,” he said.

“Well, she’s not there right now. I think she got kicked out.”

“I didn’t get kicked out,” she said from the back seat with an attitude.

“Oh shit, is that her?” he asked. I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Yeah, she’s a queen bitch right now.” I smirked, staring at Elisabetta’s reflection in the rearview mirror. I could tell she looked pissed. “We’ll see you there in thirty?”

“Okay, boss.”

We hung up. I looked over at Alessandro. “Want to let them know we’re coming?”