Page 47 of My Single Dad SEAL

“Then why can you not look me in the eyes?” He walked towards me again and I moved further away from him. He groaned. “What is wrong with you, Katrina? You haven’t been yourself since you walked into my office this morning.”

“George, please keep your voice down. People might hear and they will start talking.”

“I don’t care!” he yelled and I flinched.

“Well, you might not care, but I do! I do care, okay?! My life does not revolve around you. I have a life outside of you. So I’m sorry if I came in this morning and I didn’t run into your arms like you expected.”

George looked taken by surprise for a second, but he immediately masked that expression off his face and just smiled at me.

“Enjoy lunch with whomever you’re doing lunch with, Miss Williams.”

“So we are back to last names now?” I asked.

“The more I try to understand you, the more you make it absolutely impossible for me to do so. When you’re ready to have a civil conversation with me, you know where to find me,” George said, walking back into his office.

I stalked over to my desk as George walked away from me. I checked my phone and it was break time. I grabbed my bags and walked out of the office, trying to stop the tears from spilling as I walked out.

I needed to be strong for myself if I was going to do this. However, matters got worse for me because as soon as I opened the elevator, Lily was standing in front of me with a bright smile. That smile disappeared as soon as she saw that I was almost close to tears.

“Kat? What’s wrong?” She reached for me and hugged me tightly, pulling me into the elevator and pressing stop just as everybody else walked out, leaving just us. “Kat? Come on, talk to me. You’re scaring me.”

But I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I didn’t even know where or how to begin. I just felt like everything was spiraling out of control.

“Is it my dad? Did he say something to hurt you?” Lily asked, but I shook my head.

George was perfect. He was amazing and it felt like I had blown that up too, judging from how our conversation earlier just went.

“It’s not your dad. Oh, Lily,” I cried, hugging her. Lily patted my back and hugged me while I sobbed hysterically.

“Whatever it is whatever the problem might be, I’m here, I’m always here. Shhh, shhh,” Lily soothed me as I cried.

* * *

“I cannot believethat son of a bitch!” Lily yelled and we actually got stares from people at the café. After my hysterical eye bawling session, Lily had walked me out of the elevator to a café downtown for some outdoor time while I explained everything that’s been happening with Darius to her. “What? Never heard a lady curse before?” She smiled before turning to look at me. “What do you plan to do about him?”

“I was heading to court just as I bumped into you. I want to file a restraining order.” I took a sip of the iced Americano and I exhaled, touching my forehead. I could feel a headache coming on already.

Lily looked at me and I knew she wanted to say more to me. She looked at me with those eyes that always had me asking her to spill.

“I know that look, Lily. What’s on your mind?”

“Look, I really hope you don’t take this the wrong way. I know you’re a big girl and you’re used to fighting your own battles, but we cannot let him get away with this like the last time.”

I shifted in my seat as I toyed with the straw in my iced Americano.

“So, what do you suggest I do?”

“I think we should tell my dad.”

I literally felt all the blood drain out of my face, and I could have sworn my skin turned pale.

“Before you object, hear me out. My dad is influential much more than that bastard and what’s even better? He has the right friends and the right connections that could make or break Darius. The last time he came on to you, I only accepted not to get involved because I didn’t want to make a grand spectacle of the whole thing, but this time, he’s gone too far.”

“Lily, I cannot tell your dad about this.”

“Why not? You work for him. You’re my best friend. He will definitely help.”

Of course he would. In fact, I was afraid if George ever finds out about what Darius was up to, he would actually inflict pain on him and I did not want that.