Page 12 of My Single Dad SEAL

"Come on, talk to Mama," I winked.

"I was wearing a particularly tight pencil skirt, I fell down, and my skirt got caught up at the edge of a table. It ripped, so high up, that he saw my underwear, and I wasn't wearing the sexy kind."

I laughed out loud, almost falling off my chair.

"Don't laugh at me."

"That is just priceless. I would be doing you a disservice if I don't laugh.”

"What am I going to do?"

"I can’t help you with that. What I can help you with is lunch."

She nodded. I got up and walked over to the sink.

Lily's cooking skills were very commendable. She cooks better than I do. One would think that coming from a home where she was pampered and had all her needs catered to that she would be terrible with house chores, but she wasn't.

"Why did you guys move?" I asked, cutting up the peppers.

"My dad felt like the house was too big. With my grandma recently dying and half the staff gone because they don't need to look after her anymore, he wanted somewhere a little more private."

I looked at the vintage aesthetics of the house. It didn't exactly scream homey, in that colorful way, but it had that vibe that fed off the taste of its owner.

George must like things that are unique with intricate details. Most of the house was white, and I was sure they must have paid the interior decorator a lot of money, because every corner was dripping with class and sophistication.

"That makes sense. So it's just you two?"

"And Bibah, but she went out a while ago." Bibah had been her babysitter and housekeeper ever since she was born. She always spoke well of her. I have never met the woman physically but I have spoken to her several times over the phone and she sounded so pleasant and motherly every single time.

I packed the chopped peppers into a bowl and was about to take it to the counter next to the cooker when I ran into Lily, who was holding a bowl of water.

I shivered with a groan, as the water ran down my chest to my belly and got soaked up in my jeans.

"Oh my God, Kat!" she chided. "What are you doing?"

"Me? You're the one with a bowl of water!"

"And you are the one with the history of clumsiness." She smiled.

"This is not funny!"

"No, it's not. You can go to my room and get something to change into."

"We have different body structures," I pointed out. People used to call us opposite of each other. Lily was slender and tall with dark hair and I was quite shorter than she was, curvier and had red hair.

"I'm sure you will find something. Now off you go, and easy on my eyes. I can see everything." She covered her eyes with her hand and feigned blindness.

"Where's your room?" I looked down at my white chiffon top that had become see-through and clung to my skin.

"Upstairs. Last door on your right."

I walked up the stairs, leaving a trail of water in my wake.

I admired the house, running my hand over the smooth wooden texture of the stair railing.

When I got to the end of the hall, I couldn't remember if she said left or right.

"Lily? Did you say left or right?" I called out, but heard no response.