Page 69 of Ruler

Cia looks weary, like her own fucking shadow could scare the living daylight out of her. And that’s what guts me the most. The woman I grew up with and trained with is confident in her abilities and mind, not shook to the very core of her being.

As soon as we reach the end of the large corridor leading us to the council room—the same place where Kai claimed Cia in front of the old council, everyone’s posture changes.

“Game time,” Cia murmurs before straightening her spine and rolling her shoulders back.

I’m so fucking proud of her. Every single day, I find myself in awe of her for one reason or another. Her heart is so big she feels everything tenfold, yet she never crumbles completely. Well, scratch that. The miscarriage and Alexander’s death did splinter her resolve, and fucking rightfully so. But even then, it wasn’t for long. After some sleep, she bounced back.

I fucking love her.

“Indeed,” I say. Then I pull first her hood up and then mine before taking her hand in mine, squeezing it. Turning my head, I look at Liam. “Are you ready, man?”

A grin pulls at my lips as he rolls his eyes and sends a familiar sneer in my direction.

“Let’s just get it fucking over with,” Kai says coldly.

I feel fucking bad that he can’t have a few days, weeks, or months to process the discovery we just made. Rather than retreating and coming to terms with Nadia’s deceit, he now has to go address the Hatt and Russo Leaders as well as Heirs.

What. A. Night.

Kai takes Cia’s hand from mine, and I’m just about to protest when he gives me an apologetic look. So being the nice guy that I apparently am, I nod at him and move so I’m next to Liam who refuses to leave our woman’s back unprotected.

“I don’t need your help,” he says as soon as I’m next to him.

“Of course not,” I agree easily. “Stop scowling at me, Liam. It’s not for your sake I’m standing next to you.”

It totally is. Kinda.

Opening the double-doors into the council room, Kai makes it impossible for Liam to deliver the scathing reply I know is on his lips. What a shame. I’m sure it would have been a colorful one.

Liam and I walk behind Cia and Kai, all of us have our hoods up, covering our faces. We won’t be for long, though. I might not know Kai’s intention, or Cia’s for that matter. What I do know is there’s a reason the Heirs are here, and if it’s not to help us, I’ll change my name to Stephanie.

I discreetly lift my face and peek out of the small gap the hood provides. The Leaders are sitting in their respective seats, and their Heirs are standing behind them. Jesus fuck. Tell me they haven’t been standing like that for all these hours.


Arthur and Remus stand, bowing deeply in our direction.

“Sit!” Kai commands in his deep timbre. “I trust you have filled your Heirs in on the consequences and price for them being here?”

After both Leaders let it be known they’ve explained the grave consequences to their Heirs, Cia speaks up. “Welcome everyone. Thank you for coming.”

Ever vigilant, Liam discreetly looks in the direction of feet shuffling. I do the same in case anyone is stupid enough to make a move against us. I’d be surprised if this lot can’t be trusted, but considering recent events, it would fit the theme. Angered about my mom’s involvement all over again, I almost wish someone would attack. I’m fucking itching for a fight.

I probably wouldn’t even draw my gun. No, all I need is the anger coursing through my veins, and no one would stand a chance even if I went hand-to-hand in combat. Or maybe I should spice things up and ask Liam for one of his many knives. Then again, that would imply he’d be happy to just stand back and…

“We accept your oaths,” Kai says authoritatively. “Please be seated.”

Fucking hell. Lost in my thoughts I completely missed what’s going on.

“Since these are uneasy times, we’re changing things up,” Cia explains. “You’re the first Heirs to receive a privilege of knowledge only the Leaders have been privy to in the past. But to show our trust and support, we’ll reveal ourselves.”

Watching her and Kai really is like witnessing a perfectly oiled machine. They’re so in tune it’s almost scary.

Kai is the first to remove his hood.

Then Cia.

Liam and I drop ours almost simultaneously. With her face revealed it’s not like there’s any doubt who the last two are, anyway.