Page 68 of Ruler

My blood runs cold as I hear her name mentioned. The woman is like a fucking cockroach, impossible to get rid off. Which begs the question, why the hell didn’t we search for her name straight away? I’m still convinced this is all because of her.

“How the fuck did we miss that?” Kai mutters.

Gus makes an impatient sound. “Just fucking click on the link.”

“Marian Drákon is the owner of Morgana (biologically Drákon, but raised as a Hatt). Alexander signed away his parental rights whilst handing over his sperm donation, giving her to Marian Drákon as part of his debt for not marrying her. (Note: she’s Case DR2-A-J). Marian petitioned the Tribunal to revoke Acacia Drákon’s status as the next in line to become the Drákon Leader—”

Gus lets out an angry roar and slams his fist into the desk with so much power the few items on top shake. “I should have fucking known my cunt of a mom would have something to do with this.”

“With what?” I shout, annoyed he interrupted Kai. “We all know she hates me, so it’s not surprising she’s tried to have me… removed, I guess.”

“The Tribunal declined,” Kai reads, not paying any attention to the interruption. “Marian Drákon was also among the two eyewitnesses who witnessed Acacia Drákon perish at the Hatt auction where she was sold, and killed in the fight that erupted.”

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

“Who was the second eyewitness?” I ask automatically.



Gus and Kai answer simultaneously.

Kai turns my face back to him before letting go of my chin. Then he wraps his arms around me, pressing me closer to his chest. It’s exactly what I need right now, and I mirror his breathing in an attempt to calm my racing heart. While I focus on the rise and fall of his chest, I consider the implications and what it might mean.

It’s true that I’m not surprised by Marian trying to have me removed and… “When did she try to have my status nullified?” I whisper, too horrified by my thoughts to speak at a normal level.

“Only six months before Gus’ family died in a car crash.” My husband confirms my worst fear in a grave voice.

I’m the reason Gus lost his family.

I’m the reason Morgana exists.

“W-what did… I mean there has to be… why?” I stutter, and it takes me several attempts to get the words past my lips.

“Nereid,” Kai croons as he strokes one hand up and down my back. “Abel doesn’t know exactly why but—”

“Don’t sugarcoat it,” Gus sneers. “It says he suspects it’s because Alexander rejected her for Gemma, thereby robbing her of the opportunity for herself and her kids to be the new Leader.”

A mournful sound is ripped from my chest, much like the sorrowful keening of a dog who’s lost its master.

“For power and glory?” I don’t know why I’m saying it like it’s a question when it’s anything but.

While I’ve always known Marian’s hatred for me ran deep, something that was only cemented when she organized the auction I was being sold at, I can’t shake the feeling that none of her actions have been specifically aimed at me. Ugh, that sounds wrong, because they were aimed at me. But it’s not as much about me as it’s about her, I was just the person standing in her way of… power and glory.

Chapter 21


Lookingattheclockin the top right corner of Kai’s laptop, I have to give the Hatt Leader props for his patience. Cia, Liam, Kai, and myself have been in his office for six hours before we finally emerge.

You know those superhero movies where they all strut next to each other. Their heads held high while they smirk, smile, or seethe? But regardless of the expression, they exude so much power you just know they’re going to stop the asteroid from destroying earth.

In short… that’s not us. Despite freshening up and changing into Society robes, we’re so not ready to battle evils from another galaxy.

Liam is hunched over, and his face is pale as fuck.

Kai’s jaw is clenched so hard I’m worried about his teeth.