Page 67 of Ruler

“Fuck!” Gus exclaims, and I’m willing to bet he just figured it out as well.

“What?” Liam growls.

I turn my head, and I watch him trying to look at the screen, but our heads are covering his view.

“Nadia…” Pausing, Kai clears his throat. “She was part of the Tribunal.”

It scares me that there are no emotions in my husband’s voice. He should be roaring with anger, maybe even tearing the office apart. He shouldn’t sit ramrod straight, looking like he’s trying to work out a complicated math equation rather than learning something this big about his first wife.

“What the fuck?” Liam says, perfectly echoing my sentiment.

Still not reacting, Kai begins to scroll in the folder again.

“Here’s what I don’t get,” he says.

I hold my breath as I wait for his reaction to finally come out.

“Why are you not listed, Nereid?”

Confused, I lift my head from his shoulder and angle myself so I can look into his eyes. “Listed where?”

The look he gives me is so filled with pain I find it hard to swallow. “Don’t look at me like that,” he begs. “We don’t have time to get into what this all means right now.”

Knowing he’s right, I bite back the retort resting on the tip of my tongue. “Okay,” I whisper. Wanting to get back to what he said about my name missing somewhere, I ask, “Where am I not listed?”

Cupping my chin he moves my head so I’m looking at the screen. “You’re not there.” He points to the current family tree, more precisely, at the spot next to Gus where my name should have been.

“How the fuck did I not notice that,” Gus wonders out loud.

My head snaps in Liam’s direction when he lets out a low groan. “Are you okay?” I really don’t know why the hell I bother asking. There’s a light sheen of sweat covering his forehead and his eyes are scrunched shut as he staggers over to one of the chairs.

Before I can react, Gus leaps to help him. After wrapping Liam’s arm around his shoulder, he helps him over to the chair. My heart thunders in my chest, I don’t like the way Liam looks. His skin is paler than earlier, and as he opens his eyes, they’re bloodshot.

“You need your painkillers,” I say urgently.

“I’m not taking those anymore,” he counters immediately. “They make me too tired and sluggish.”

Huffing in frustration I place my hands on my hips and glare in his direction. “I’m not going to argue with you—”

“Good,” he retorts with a smirk. “Because you’re in no position to lecture anyone about taking their meds, are you?”


“That’s hardly the point,” I snark.

I already know I’m going to lose this fight. We all know the time for action is now, and if my consort takes those morphine-like meds, he’ll be out for the count. Something he’ll never allow to happen.

When he smiles weakly and says, “You can try to kiss it better if you want,” I feel all irritation dissipate into the air.

I sigh wistfully, wishing we could just close Kai’s laptop and head back upstairs. I wouldn’t mind another hour-long session with my guys.

“Wait, scroll back up,” Gus orders, pulling me from my thoughts.

I look up to see Kai scrolling through the long document. Squinting, I try to see what my cousin has spotted. We’ve been at this for at least three hours, and our one interruption was one of security guards informing us they were back with Remus, Lupa, Flavio, Arthur, Isolde, and Mordred.

Even though it isn’t a priority, I can’t say I revel in having three of the four Heirs in my house. It’s not that I think I’m too good, but I don’t know them. Yet, now they’re walking around my house and touching my things.

“Fuck, if you can’t find it just do CTRL + F,” he barks impatiently at my husband. “Search for Marian Drákon. I’m sure I just fucking saw her name.”