My thrusts grow almost painful as her hole tightens, attempting to trap me deep within her hot, wet core. Driven into a frenzy, I growl as I thrust into her harder.
This is the farthest thing from the slow, intimate sex of our first time together. That day in the woods, I’d called upon every ounce of willpower to be gentle with Dani, to take care of her, and ensure her first time felt good and safe and meaningful.
Now, I fuck her with a passion-filled craze, intent on branding her so Dani knows that no one else can make her feel this way. And she seems just as eager to take every last inch of me. Her muffled gasps are impossibly erotic as she attempts to remain quiet while I take her forcefully.
I don’t know how long we have before her night security returns. And right now, I honestly don’t care. I would fuck her for all the world to see because I’ve never felt anything so sinfully euphoric as Dani’s tight pussy wrapped around me.
No condom separating us, I can feel just how wet she is, and my balls tighten as her juices slick my cock, intensifying the friction. I glide in and out of her again and again, thrusting up to the hilt every time.
“Tell me you are mine, Dani,” I rasp. “I want to hear you say my name.”
“I’m yours, Efrem. Only yours,” she breathes, the longing in her voice making me throb painfully.
And the sound of my name on her lips undoes me. Grinding against her clit, I slam deep inside of her, claiming a second orgasm just as I find my own release.
“Oh god, Efrem!” she gasps, twitching beneath me as we pulse together.
Her pussy grips me, pulling my cock further into her as I come hard and fast. Intense satisfaction fills me as I mark her with my seed. We ride the waves of our ecstasy simultaneously, shuddering together as I hold her firmly in my embrace.
Hot air washes across my face as I lean back to meet Dani’s gaze, and her midnight blue eyes are filled with deep, resounding emotion. My anger seems to have vanished, pouring from me with my release. And as I gently relinquish my hold on Dani’s wrists, I lean in to press a soft kiss to her swollen lips.
Carefully, I ease out of Dani, a sense of remorse enveloping me as I set her gently back on her feet.
“I’m sorry,” I rasp, tucking myself swiftly back into my pants and buckling my belt. “I should not have been so rough with you.”
Dani releases a breathy laugh as she stoops to collect her ruined panties, then straightens to adjust her dress. “I assure you, you can handle me likethatanytime.”
Her eyes light with the possibilities, making my pulse quicken and tempting me to kiss her.
Then her humor falls away, her usually playful expression turning more serious than I think I’ve ever seen. “But seriously, Efrem, nothing is going on between me and Mikhail. My brother brought him over for dinner, and afterward, Mikhail asked to speak to me outside. I didn’t expect…”
Dani’s face flushes as she tapers off, and she turns her eyes to look off into the distance. A troubled frown creases her smooth brow, and I remain silent, willing myself to be patient and let her explain.
“He came on to me, and I didn’t know what to do. He’s friends with Ben and now my parents, and I just… for a moment, I froze. But I rejected him. I swear. And when he wouldn’t back off, I pushed him away…” Dani’s round eyes plead for me to believe her.
Heavy guilt drops in my stomach as I see the truth on her face. I feel terrible about not only having failed to assess the situation so miserably but to not having stepped in if she needed me. And then, after having to deal with Mikhail on her own, I swooped in and lost my temper on her.
But a question lingers at the back of my mind, and I frown as I try to make sense of it in the whole equation. “But then why have you not returned my calls? I thought perhaps you had lost interest and moved on.”
To my surprise, Dani blushes further, the color deep enough to be apparent even in the dark shadows. Maybe I wasn’t so far from the truth after all.
“I’ve been… grounded—for leaving town without their permission,” she finishes after a long pause, ending her sentence in a way I completely did not expect.
Busyis what I had anticipated. Something to indicate I was less of a priority but also a gentle way to let me down. Butgrounded?
Perhaps it is an American thing for parents to ground their adult children, but I can’t recall either of my parents ever attempting to ground me. Not even my father during one of his drunken rages.
And though I know now that she’s blushing with embarrassment, I can’t help but smile at Dani’s explanation.
“You’re laughing at me!” she pouts, punching my chest lightly.
“No, no, of course not,” I object, willing myself to keep a straight face. But try as I might, I can’t. “Okay, maybe a little. But you must admit, it is kind of funny.”
“Not when I’ve been over here stressing out the whole week. I mean, my parents took my phone away and wouldn’t let me go anywhere but school and home. So I’ve been, like, attempting to telepathically tell you to come visit me. Because I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring you or not into you or just wanted sex with you to be a one-time thing—especially after we had such an amazing weekend. I really like you, and it feels like we’re finally, you know, on the same page. And then, of course, when you finallydoshow up, you don’t come to my school, like you did the last time I couldn’t reach you. No, you had to stop by my house and see that creepy old man drooling all over me, when all I’ve wanted since we got back to the city was for you to just come find me so I could tell you how I feel and you could say everything’s going to be okay.”