Page 46 of Sinner's Obsession

The words spill from Dani in a long-winded tirade, and as adorable as her speech is, I can tell she really needed to vent. As bad as I’ve felt the past five days without hearing from her, it seems like Dani’s endured far worse. And though hearing about her anxiety over what I was going through somehow comforts me, I want to do something to ease the stress that lines her beautiful face.

“You know, Mikhail is notthatmuch older than I am,” I point out jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

Dani stops short, her startled expression drawing a quiet laugh from me. “First off, out of everything I just said, that was your takeaway? And second, I think you’re going to have to break down the math for me. Because from where I’m standing, you’re in two completely different categories in my brain.”

“Well, first off,” I respond, teasing her as I turn her phrase, “that was not my only takeaway,” I finish, leaning close to steal a quick, tantalizing kiss. “And second, I believe you are nineteen, no?”

Dani quirks an eyebrow before giving me a slow nod.

“And I am twenty-eight. That makes me nine years older than you—if my math is correct.”

“Yeah…” she says slowly, her face dubious.

“Mikhail Sidorov is thirty-five, I believe”—not that I’ve tracked his age closely at all, but I have to be around the right number—“which means, technically, I am closer to his age than I am yours.”

“Yeah, but you’ll still be in your twenties when I am,” she reasons. “And Mikahil’s nearly twice my age.” She looks almost revolted by the prospect.

I chuckle low and deep. “Well, I’m glad to hear you don’t find me an old man.”

“Maybe it’s that you have a good sense of humor,” she suggests, her eyes dancing playfully.

“When I’m not completely overcome with jealousy,” I qualify. “Truly, Dani, I’m sorry. I should not have spoken to you like that. And I feel terrible that you were in distress, and I could not see it.”

Dani’s face softens, her eyes warming as her fingers reach to comb through the hair falling into my face. “I don’t need you to rescue me, Efrem. You have enough people to protect. I just want you to trust in what we have. You’re the only one I like. You have no reason to be jealous.” Her lips twitch with humor then. “But I wouldn’t mind it if you angry fucked me more often,” she says playfully.

A rumble of appreciation vibrates from my chest. “Did it turn you on?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” she moans appreciatively.

“If you like it when I take you like that, then I can show you what rough play is like,” I offer, excitement tightening my stomach as I picture tying Dani up and making her come until she begs me to stop.

Dani’s breaths come more quickly now, and her lips part in sexy anticipation. “That sounds fun,” she agrees.

Heavy footfalls approach from the other side of the stairs, and we fall silent as Dani’s security detail finally returns. Speaking in a low voice, he confirms that the perimeter appears all clear. Then he comes to a stand beside the front door once more.

Cautiously peering over the edge of the stairs, I double-check that he’s still unaware of our presence. Dani won’t be able to slip back inside without notice, but there’s nothing we can do about that now.

I glance down to meet her deep blue eyes, and Dani presses a finger to her lips before wrapping her delicate and around mine. I follow her silently as she drags me farther from the stairs and around the corner of the brownstone block, clinging to the shadows until we’re safely on the far side of the building.

She gives a breathy laugh as her tension falls away, and she seems to relax now that we’re safely out of earshot.

“I hope you weren’t too eager to get home,” she says, entwining her fingers with mine as we fall into an easy stroll.

“I had intended to stalk you from a distance for at least an hour or so,” I tease.

“I thought you’d given up those ways and planned to kiss me instead,” she counters, falling into our familiar banter.

I chuckle. “That was before you started ignoring me. Now I remember why stalking is useful on occasion.”

Dani giggles, wrapping her free hand around my bicep and resting her head on my shoulder.

“So, what have you been filling your time with this week?” I ask, glancing down at her from the corner of my eye.

“Mostly? Just school work, honestly. I’ve spent a lot of time in the darkroom at school. Oh!” Dani perks up, giving a bouncy step as she turns to face me, walking backward as she goes. “I actually wanted to tell you, one of my professors thinks I took a picture that’s good enough to submit for a spot in a gallery showcase.”

The giddy excitement emanating from Dani tells me she’s both astonished and honored by the compliment, but I’m not surprised. From what little I’ve seen of her work, I know she’s a talented photographer.

“Is it one that you took of Isla and Silvia?” I guess. “Those turned out very well.”