Page 11 of Cold as Ice

“Hey, Boone. Meet us at The Barn?” Phil said as he and his wife caught up to us. Glancing at Ginny, she nodded.

“Sure, sounds great, thanks.” As we walked out of the arena, the flashes of reporters’ cameras greeted us.

“Boone, how long have you been married?”

“What does your wife do?”

“Where has she been all this time?” Walking further away from them, their voices became muffled. I dug in my pocket and found my car keys, handing them to her. I hated driving after a game. My legs were tired, and I just wanted to relax.

She got a goofy smile on her face and began to giggle. She only giggled when she was tipsy. “You have to drive.” She reached for the door handle and climbed into the passengers side. Tossing my bag in the back, I got to my seat and instantly crumpled in half as I sat behind the wheel. Ginny looked over at me and instantly started laughing. She was more than tipsy. In all the years I had known her, she hadn’t been drunk often, but she was tonight. She covered her mouth and laughed like she was a little girl.

“I’m not sure if we should go out. You’ve had enough.” I turned on the car and pulled out of the parking spot.

“Boone, don’t be a stick in the mud. I don’t have any friends around hockey. This is fun. Besides, what else are we going to do? Go home and stare at each other?” She crossed her arms and frowned at me.

Reaching over, I let my hand rest on her thigh. “I think I could think of a few things to do other than stare at one another.” Inching my hand higher, I was stopped when she slapped at my hand.

“I don’t think so, Boone. You’re forgetting I don’t even really like you. This is for show, not anything else.” She sobered up quickly, lifted my hand off her leg, and dropped it in my lap.

“All for show? Is that why I woke up with you in my arms this morning?” If it wasn’t dark and I could see her clearly, I knew she would be beat red.

“Muscle memory,” she replied shortly.

“Oh, I have a muscle with memory. A lot of memories and it would like to relive them.” Pulling to a stop at the red light, the car was illuminated by the streetlight overhead.

“You would be thinking with your dick, you always did after a win.” She shook her head, and I watched her eyes glance over to my lap.

“Virginia Mary Boone, did you just look at my cock?” As if it was a reflex, she slapped me on the shoulder. “What was that for?”

“For being rude. I would never. I’m a lady.” She was so serious and then blew out a breath between her lips and started to laugh. Not the giggle she let out earlier, but a full laugh. “I so did. I can’t even lie to you. It’s all I’ve been thinking about since you sent me that video.” She covered her mouth and looked over at me just as the light changed.

“How many beers did you have tonight?” I stepped on the gas and woe through traffic. I wasn’t sure she really needed to be going out, but I would make sure she was on water for the rest of the evening.

Reaching over, she put her hand on my leg. “To be honest, Boone, I don’t know.” Her giggling tone gave way to serious Ginny, which I had seen too much since I had been back. I wanted the fun drunk Ginny back. “I was visiting with the girls and one thing lead to another and we had the entire counter lined with empties. I wasn’t alone drinking them.” She never moved her hand while she was talking.

Pulling into the back of the building, somehow Phil and Sarah had gotten there before we did. Getting out of the car, I ran to the passenger side and helped Ginny out of the car. I wasn’t so sure she could get out on her own. “Looks like they don’t really need to go out tonight.” Phil said, as he walked up to me. Sarah and Ginny wrapped their arms around each other and walked ahead of us.

“They definitely had a good time tonight. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy about that, the last time Ginny didn’t bond with any of the team wives.” The door opened, and we walked in to the back room. It wasn’t as loud back here. The Barn made sure the team had an undisturbed area. If some of the younger guys wanted to go out, they could get to the main bar, but most just wanted to relax after a game.

“Boone, Grover. Good game tonight.” The man at the door said as we walked in. The backroom was on the dark side to encourage privacy for the patrons, but it was a pleasant atmosphere to have a drink.

“Thanks Hank. I think we’re going to need a couple of waters, and maybe coffee for the girls,” Phil said, as we watched the women slip into a booth. Laughing and talking as if they had been best friends for life. We took our seats beside them.

“Now Garrison, how on earth have you let her be in hiding for this long?” Sarah asked as the server brought the water and coffee.

“Sarah, that’s on Ginny. She wanted to be hidden.” There was no reason not to tell the truth. I was sure Ginny had opened up if Sarah was asking.

“It’s true Sarah, I left. But I was wrong.” Phil looked at me and arched his brow.

“Hey baby, why don’t we avoid talking about our personal life until we talk about it?” I whispered in her ear. Putting my arm around her, ginny guzzled the glass of water before picking up the coffee. I could see she was becoming more like herself.

“Are you happy to be back playing here, Boone?” Sarah asked.

The server brought food for Phil and I and I waited to answer. “Yeah, I am. I have always wanted to finish my career back here, so it’s great. It’s fun playing on a line with Phil again. I had forgotten how well we worked together.” Phil nodded and lifted his glass and we gave one another a cheers.

“You were good together tonight. But Boone, your slap shot still isn’t as strong as it should be,” Ginny said as she leaned over and took a fry off my plate. “If you come to the centre, you can have someone work on it with you. I wonder if it’s because of that shoulder injury you had in juniors. It’s been weak since then.” She was so serious, and it was something I knew. After all this time, I highly doubted I could change it, but maybe it was worth a shot.

“All right, I’m exhausted, and I think I need to get you home.” I leaned over to Ginny, and she nodded.