Page 8 of Rambo

“Now, I don’t know what it is that you thought you would be doin’with this, but ya see. I can’t let that happen. Not for my man here. So here’s what’s gonna happen.”

His eyes not leaving Steffie, Turd drops the phone to the floor, grabs his gun, and shoots the fucking thing. Steffie sinks down into herself as Turd walks toward her.

“Get the fuck outta this club, or the next one is for you,” he whispers and turns to leave. Gears lets go of her arm and follows Turd out. When she turns to look at me, she tries to hide the fear coursing through her body. Steffie steps up to me, attempting to be intimidating, but all she’s doing is showing me the panic in her eyes.“Over my dead body, will you get my kids.”

I let out a growl, but before I can sayI can gladly make that happen, she turns on her heel and leaves. I’m not sure what it is that she is trying to do, but I am ready for the war that she just declared. She isn’t going to take what’s mine.

“We need to tell Prez that she was here,” I hear the prospect call out from behind me. Knowing that he’s right, I turn back toward the bar, grab my shot and shoot it back. Pulling my phone from my cut, I type out the message.

Me: Steffies ass came thru the bar.

Prez: Wtf! OMW. She still there?

Me: Naw. Turd made sure she left

Prez: TF did she want

Me: Telling me to stay TF away from the kids. That I wont get my daughter. Told me over her dead body….after Turd threatened to shoot her

Prez: Fuck. Do nothing.

Me: She’s already gone Prez. I didnt do shit. Turd on the other hand

Prez: Good Ill handle it all

Sliding my phone back into my cut, I knock my knuckles on the counter and head out. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do about Steffie or what Prez was gonna do to handle it, but I didn’t care. Turd was now involved with keeping her away from me, and I needed to make sure that I told my best friend that I’m grateful for him. But for now, I needed my little girl. Because, unlike Steffie, I had the means to go and see her and hold her in my arms.


It took all of two hours before I could no longer sit around and do nothing. I wanted to believe that shit would be handled, and I was okay, but something was nagging me in the back of my mind. Something about Steffie showing up and telling me to back off didn’t sit right. Why, after all this time, is she now telling me this? This shit with her has been going on since my daughter was born. She’s been fighting me left and right but has never come out directly and told me to back off. Plus, to do so by coming into club property after Cowboy threatened her, something is up.

I grab my keys, ready to head out to the office where Audrina works. I need to talk to her and figure out what I need to do to cover my ass. Calling Sonya isn’t an option. Something about her and the way she handled herself before bothered me. Taking the corners on my bike, I allow my mind to empty, and all the stress leaves me temporarily. It doesn’t last very long as I pull up to Audrina’s office shortly after my drive starts. I’m parked and in the office in an instant. I don’t see Audrina anywhere.

“Rambo? What are you doing here? Do we have an appointment today?” Ellie asks me from the desk she’s at.

“Hey, Ellie. I didn’t know that you were back at work already.”

“Only for a few hours a week right now. I try to come in and cover shifts when needed. It’s why I’m here today. Audrina called out.”

“Shit. I needed to talk to her.”

Ellie gives me a smirk that is one hundred percent her mother. If they had the same hair color, I would question who I was really talking to.

“And let me guess. It’s something that you can’t talk to me about, right? It has to be Audrina?” She lets out a small chuckle, and I can’t help but blush at her words.

“What? No. That’s not. I don’t. Look, she just. I just.” Words. I know them.

“Rambo, it’s okay. I’m just fucking with you. But seriously, she isn’t here. She called in sick, and as far as I know, she’s at home. If you really need to talk to her today, I would just call her.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll do that. Thanks, Ellie.” I walk over to her and give her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.“Give those babies some love from me, yeah?”

“You know I will.”

I’m back out on my bike, ready to head home after I attempt to call Audrina. But when her phone rings and heads to voicemail, I hang up and try one more time. When the same thing happens, I immediately worry. Audrina always answers. Always.Something is wrong.I know my girl. Something isn’t right.She isn’t yours.It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change facts. I start my bike and head toward her house.


Knocking on the door, I can only hope that dickbag isn’t home. I don’t know what it is that Audrina sees in him, but she chose him. Not me. Regardless of her being with him, I am determined to be her friend. I want to be in her life. Fuck the consequence. It’s pure torture seeing her and not being able to be hers.