Page 7 of Rambo

A hug here and there was all I am allowed. She isn’t mine to hold. She isn’t mine to love, but I love her anyway. Audrina came into my life, and I haven’t been able to go a day without thinking about her. It means nothing, though. She’s been taken by that douchebagClintsince I’ve known her.

The night that we had at the club, I thought we would do something more. Become something more. But everything was shot to shit when that prick went after Bri. It was right after that when she told me that she had a man.

A doctor.

Someone that isn’t me. Someone that, on paper, is a fuck ton better than me. Even if she wasn’t with him, what do I have to offer her? I’m a newly single father fighting for my kid and her brother. Trying to make them see that someone in their lives loves them. I’m the new Enforcer for my club ever since Dizz left. I do the dirty work that the others don’t want to handle—and I like it.

What does that say about me?

Shit, man. When the hell did I become this? Where the hell did my life take the wrong turn?

When you slept with Steffie and fell in love with a taken woman.

I grab the shot off the counter in the bar and slam it back. I didn’t have rights to my own child, and for the first time in her short period of life, I’m taking a day off. She’s with El. I know she’s safe. But I couldn’t handle it anymore. I’m breaking, and I know that Elvira could see it. Tonight, I’m here at the club, drowning myself in my own self-inflicted pity. I caused all of this.

Slamming the shot glass down, I signal the prospect behind the bar for another. One down, at least, I don’t know, twelve, to go. Obliterated is the goal.

The door opens as soon as the prospect puts the shot in front of me. As my fingers grip around the glass, I hear the clacking of heels. I don’t have to turn around to know who it is. The prospect’s eyes going wide tell me everything—along with the quiet that has descended on the building.

When the clacking of her heels stop, I don’t bother turning around. There is no reason to. She’s here to fight with me, attempt to hop on Cowboy’s dick, or both.

“What the fuck are you doing here, Steffie?”

“You and I need to talk.”

This bitch never wants to talk. She only wants to scream, accuse, and try and steal my kid away from me. My hackles rise with her comment. Setting my glass down, I slowly turn to her. My eyes travel up and down her body, and I once again ask myself,what the fuck was I thinking?

Shorts and a top that can’t really be considered clothing and stripper heels. Her arms are crossed under her chest, attempting to push everything up and out. For, not the first time, I’m repulsed. I don’t understand what it is that she is attempting to gain here. No one will go near her. She’s caused so much pain and drama that anyone who decides to fuck with her obviously wants out of this brotherhood.

“About what?”

“About the fact that you really think this town is going to hand over parental rights to Marley. You are part of some gang that the police have been looking at really closely. Do you think they are going to hand over a baby girl to a man who can barely take care of himself?” I turn my back to her, signaling I am done with this conversation. There’s no point in continuing as she is talking out of her ass.“Don’t you look away from me! I have that little girl’s best interest at heart! You are just being selfish!” I whip around, standing tall.

“You are the negligent cunt who left her alone forhours! Hours, Steffie! I have barely left her side while she has been at the group home! I am making an effort to be what I need for her. What the hell are you doing besides talking out of your ass and picking a fight?”

“This! This is why you are unfit! You are going off on me while I am trying to tell you how I feel. You’re yelling and threatening me! You have anger issues. How are you expected to parent when every little thing sets you off?” She waves her arm, and that’s when I see it.

“Are you recording me? Are you really trying to trap me and make it seem like I am a loose cannon? Anyone can see that your crazy ass is trying to set me off!" I reach for the phone, and she steps back.

“I don’t need to show them anything more than a man who claims he has been at his daughter’s side has been here drinking. Or show them how you roll up to the house drunk. What good are you going to be hungover? See, you are useless! You would rather be here drinking and hanging with your friends than be a parent. You want her to spite me!”

“You and I both know the only spiteful one here is you! Just a few days ago, you tried to trade me our daughter for your son! Dillon isn’t a pawn any more than my daughter is. You don’t care about these kids. I don’t get why you are fighting so hard for them! You tried to use my baby girl to trap my Prez! You treat them as if they are nothing more than a means to an end! Just fuck off and die already! It would make our lives easier, and we all know the kids would be better off without you! At least the world would be a happier place with you no longer stealing oxygen from more deserving people.” I get right into her face, not caring that she is still recording me.

“She doesn’t need to be around you or anyone in this filthy club. It’s nothing but death and violence! I know thatMarleyisn’t going to like hearing you threaten her mother with death!” she waves the phone at me.“I am the safer, more stable option. They will see that once they see this video.”

“Oh, that’s rich coming from the bitch that’s been trying to get a patch from the Prez since before he even had the President patch. You were just here the other day, begging him to leave his wife for you. Which reminds me, how’s your finger? Healing okay? Should we call Cowboy? See what he thinks about the rest of your fingers?”

“He has nothing to do with this! You. Will. Stay away. From. Marley!”

“Stop calling her that! And no, I won’t. You can’t, and will not, keep me from her. I love that girl with everything that I am, and I can promise you—I will fight to the death to get my daughter.”

“Oh, cheeseless crust. What’s this?” Turd comes out of nowhere, taking Steffie’s phone out of her hand. She turns, screeching at him.“Ah-ah. I wouldn’t move any closer.”

“Give me my phone!”

Turd nods, and that’s when I see Gears come up behind Steffie, grabbing her arm.“Let me go!” she shouts as she tries to wiggle away.“You’ll regret this!”

“I doubt that.” Gears tells her and nods at Turd.