Page 56 of Burning Tears

“Grown-ups make no sense,” I say. “Now, come on. Let’s get your hands and face cleaned up before Daddy picks you up. Not even the space mechanics will have you like this.”

* * *

It’s my kind of night at Norhill Brew. Low-key vibes and good conversation.

I glance at Isaac, who’s slinging his bag over his shoulder.

“Any time, man, you know that.”

“My neighbor was gonna take her when Rose had to cancel for a fill-in shift at the clinic outreach in Westhead Falls,” he says. “But my neighbor had to work late.”

I pushed him out the door to meet with us when she got home. But I know this man. He’s a great dad, so he wants to get home to his daughter. It’s funny how life took that turn for him. How lucky it can be. Isaac has done everything he can to ensure London has a great life after what happened with her mom. It’s hard to believe Isaac’s sister could give up such a sweet kid as London.

“London’s great. Although she thinks Barbie’s leg will work just as good as a wrench.”

He stares at me and then laughs, shaking his head. “I’m still trying to work out how she got so filthy.”

“You should have seen her face and hands before I washed them up.”

“Burns, I saw them after. She murdered a candy bar.”

I shrug. “Had to give her something to make up for the indignity of the face washing.”

“Rose would never . . .”

“My sister’s not here.” That girl works so hard. Her dream of opening a clinic here is the reason she’s at the outreach, any chance she gets to go there, she’ll take. When she’s not working at the hospital. When she’s not hitting the books. When she’s not being superwoman.

“She’s something, that Rose.”

I eye him with suspicion. “What does that mean?”

“It means Rose is something,” Isaac says, slapping me on the shoulder. “She’s gonna save lives here. That’s all. Calm your jets, Mack.”

“Get out of here and go be with London.”

He gives me a mock salute and leaves.

I’m trying not to think about what the fuck happened earlier with Sidney. Maybe it’s better this way. Not sure how, but maybe it is.

My problem right now is I’ve got her number burning a hole in my jeans pocket. A number I’m not calling.

Lawson drops in the seat next to me and hands me a whiskey. Leland takes another seat, as do Forrest and Philip. Even with the music playing and other voices, I can hear they’re arguing over when the next fire will be.

“Soon,” I mutter, taking a sip of my booze.

And it will be because that storm was the last of the rain for a while and we’re heading into some hot days.

“You good?” Lawson asks.

I cock a brow. “Me? Couldn’t be better.”

“Uh huh. You work out that business with your rescue?”

“Yep. She’s staying at the cabin. And the electricity is up and running,” I say, deliberately misunderstanding him.

“We’re twins, you know.”

“Oh, the shock,” I say. “The horror. Oh, the humanity.”