Page 57 of Burning Tears

“You do you, Mack, but if you wanna talk . . .”

Leland says something to Lawson getting his attention, making him laugh, and I take another swallow. I thought drinks and shooting the shit with the guys would be doctor approved, but it’s not turning into the distraction I want.


I glance at Leland. “Yeah?”

“Law said this guy was sniffing about. You seen him since?”

“Once, but not yesterday or today.” I frown. “You two think there’s an issue?”

“Not fucking sure.” Leland turns his bourbon in his hands, his tie loose. “But I just heard there’s a new CEO of Alpine.”

“You think it’s gonna be trouble?” Lawson asks.

Leland breathes out. “No fucking idea. It’s not a problem. At least not yet.”

“Maybe this new person will go in another direction,” I say.

Forrest laughs. “Ya think?”

“After everything that’s happened . . .” Philip takes a swig of his beer.

“I’ll look into it all,” Leland says. “I’m not taking chances. That company is like a dog with a bone, and I won’t have them coming after that land.”

They all start discussing and arguing over it all and I tune them out, just letting the presence of close friends soothe something in me. But I’m restless like just below the surface of calm is rioting chaos and I don’t know how to fucking fix that.

This concept of fixing is made more complicated when the door to the bar opens and Dakota and Sarah walk in along with my pinned up and armored princess. I narrow my eyes as they come over, Leland pulling his fiancée onto his lap to kiss her, and Lawson’s arm curls around Dakota’s waist.

“Look what we found,” Lawson’s wildcat says. “Mack’s rescue.”

Philip and Forrest clink glasses. “Mack, you never said she was so pretty,” Philip says.

Forrest laughs. “Typical Burns. Keeps that shit to himself.”

“I’m married to the sheriff so he says I can shoot people who annoy me,” Dakota says.

Lawson clears his throat. “Not sure I said that, exactly. But I’ll help you bury the bodies.”

“Now, that’s love,” says Sarah, looking at Leland with a knowing smile. “Will you do that for me?”

“I’ll get you off all charges,” Leland mutters. “The sheriff can do the digging.”

“Drinks?” I ask.

I get the orders and when my princess doesn’t answer I just take off for the bar.


She followed.

“What do you want?” I pause. “To drink?”

I know what I want. I want to bury myself in her. I want to breathe her sweetness in, revel in the heat of her, the smooth softness of her skin. I want to tear off her armor and unpin her. To have her fucking naked in all the ways there are.

“I’ll get—”

“I’ll get it. Goddamn it all, Sidney. What the actual fuck?”