“You taste fucking divine.” I murmured cheekily and Halley smiled, the sight causing my heart to beat faster. There was just something about this woman that I knew I would never experience again.
Halley took advantage of our closeness to run her nails along my shoulders, tracing the contour of my muscles down my chest and abdomen before she wrapped her palm around my cock, squeezing with gentle pressure and causing me to curse.
“I want you inside of me.” Halley whispered and I didn’t take a moment to hesitate. I was done keeping myself away from her and if she wanted me as badly as I wanted her, I was all in.
Positioning my cock at her entrance, I locked my eyes with hers, before slowly easing in, feeling her contract around me. My eyes rolled back into my head at the wet heat surrounding me and I gave us both a moment to enjoy the feeling of me inside of her. And then I was moving, my hips thrusting in a fast tempo. I reached my hand out, grabbing red curls in my palm, pulling her head to the side so I could feast on her neck. Biting and sucking, I continued to move in and out of her, until I felt my orgasm start at the base of my spine.
Pulling away from her neck, I looked down at Halley, her heated gaze meeting mine, both of us lost in the moment.
“You’re going to come with me.” I told her and she nodded, never once breaking eye contact. And then we both fell into ecstasy, her pussy tightening around my cock as I spilled into her. Both of us continued to breath heavy, our slick bodies sticking together. Finally, once our breathing settled, I pulled out of her, rolling to my back and taking her with me so she laid on my chest.
I twirled her hair between my fingers, as she ran her palms up and down my chest and for the first time, I felt a complete sense of peace. And in that moment, I knew that Halley Jameson was the woman I would love until my last moment on this realm.
Chapter Ten
I stood outside the castle, my back against the wooden wall, scanning the thousands of Divines milling about the grounds. Children ran through the rows of shelters, laughing and playing, innocent to the dangers outside the shield. Guard members roamed the perimeter, others tended to the gardens, and some still built more shelters, making sure each family had their own space to live and sleep. Although we were all trapped in the walls of this fucking castle, you could tell that everyone was content to be back on our home land.
“You waiting for someone?” A sultry voice asked from behind me and I turned to see the woman I loved. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair a mess, and I knew her and Knox had taken the next step in their relationship. I waited for jealousy to come, but as Halley’s smile widened the closer she came to me, it never did. I knew that no matter who else was in Halley’s life, I’d always be a part of it. And after four months without her, I never wanted to experience that again.
“I’m only ever waiting for you, sweetheart.” I murmured, still not comfortable being affectionate for everyone to hear. But I knew I could be with Halley; she was one of the only people I could be this way with. The only others were my family, which speaking of.
“I have some people for you to meet.” Halley’s eyes brightened at my words, curious about my plans, and so without another word, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her against me as we walked. We garnered looks as we walked throughout the grounds, but I ignored them all. Some stopped to say hello, Halley being polite and responding, whereas I only nodded.
After traversing through several rows of homes that I had helped build, we reached the small structure that housed my mother and two younger brothers. I could hear the loud voices coming from inside and knew they were all home. The boys would be headed to school later in the day now that their powers had manifested earlier.
Halley’s eyebrows were scrunched in confusion as I pushed the door open without knocking, but as she took in the three figures sitting around a small table, her features softened and she smiled slightly.
“Ma, Hayes, Cruz, this is Halley.” I said, interrupting their conversation and drawing attention to us.
Mom eagerly hopped up from her seat, gliding over to the two of us and pulling both of us into a hug. I wasn’t surprised by her reaction. Since arriving in Agrum Di Vinum, I had spent half of my time with the others and the other half with my family. And most of that time was spent talking about the woman I couldn’t forget.
“It is so great to finally meet you, Halley. And I couldn’t be happier you were here; I was tired of my boy sulking around.” Mom said, causing me to roll my eyes while Halley laughed.
“I wasn’t fucking sulking.” I defended even though I probably was. But hell, I had always been grumpy, it wasn’t something new.
Hayes and Cruz, the sixteen-year-old twins, stood up from the table and made their way over to us. Both of them gave me a quick hug before turning to stare at Halley. And stare at her they did. Eventually, I smacked the both of their heads to get them out of their daze.
“Stop staring dumbasses.” I reprimanded them, although I couldn’t blame them. Halley was fucking beautiful.
Hayes was the first to shake out of his stupor and extended his hand towards Halley. “Nice to meet you, Halley. You’re really pretty.”
Halley chuckled at his words and shook his hand back. Cruz followed the introduction by simply nodding with a wave. That kid took after me more than I liked to admit.
After we all said hello, Mom ushered us back to the table where we all took a seat. Mom started the conversation by asking Halley about her childhood, and although I worried the topic would cause Halley to close up, she surprised me by going into details about her mom. She told stories of growing up, which turned into my shithead brothers to bring up embarrassing stories from my childhood. For the next several hours, the five of us sat and laughed, Halley close to my side the entire time. And all I could think, was that even though we had another war ahead of us, I couldn’t wait for this woman to be a part of my family.
Chapter Eleven
After several hours with Madden’s family, we had to get up to go. Hayes and Cruz had to get to school and I was joining them, spending time with Eli as he taught the new students. I gave Madden’s mother, Gracie, a big hug before we left, promising to be back soon. And it was a promise I intended to keep. Seeing Madden so open and happy around his family, I was thankful to see another side of him. One I was slowly seeing more and more between the two of us.
Hayes and Cruz walked ahead of Madden and me, the two pushing each other back and forth as they teased each other about random things. Madden held me close to his side again, his large hands wrapped around my waist. I couldn’t help but sink into his warmth, realizing how lonely I truly had been.
As we approached the castle, Hayes and Cruz nodded to the Guard members manning the entrance, but Madden halted our movements before we could enter. Confused, I went to ask him what was stopping him, when he dragged me around a corner and pressed my body against a wall.
Before I could blink, Madden’s large frame completely covered me, as his mouth melded with mine. I could feel the pent-up passion in his movements, the emotions overflowing between us. His tongue delved into my mouth, tangling, while his hands gripped my shirt, keeping me as close as possible. Arching my back, I pressed my chest into his, needing the feel of him against me.