Page 11 of The Distinct

Madden suddenly pulled back, leaving me aching and out of breath. His heavy breaths fell onto my face and I could feel his arousal pressing into my stomach.

“If I didn’t know you needed time with the others, I’d be ripping your clothes off and fucking you until you couldn’t walk straight.” He growled and I could feel my core clench at his words.

As much as I wanted to get lost in the moment with Madden, I knew he was right. I needed time with everyone else and I had a feeling they did as well. I hadn’t thought through how our situation would work, it had all been so new when we had been separated, but I knew that as long as we were all in, we could make it work.

Pushing up on my toes, I pressed one more heated kiss to Madden’s lips, biting down hard, before backing away.

“I promise we’ll make the time.”

Madden’s eyes heated as I walked away and I couldn’t contain my smile as I headed to spend time with one of the other men I loved.


Loud voices came from the room I stood in front of, the large space Knox had shown me earlier filled to the brim with kids and teens. During our tour, Knox had explained to me that the stories were true about Divines manifesting their powers on Agrum Di Vinum. In the past four months, more and more young Divines had been growing into their power, even some kids as young as ten.

Stepping into the room, I stood against the wall, taking in the view. Several adults were sprinkled throughout the mass of kids, each standing in front of their own group. Based on the teaching exercises going on, I determined that each group was a Sector, the adult teaching the kids about their new powers. I recognized Gunther standing in the left corner of the room, around twelve teens standing around him as he spoke in an avid manner.

Hank, Knox’s father, stood in the opposite corner, instructing a small group of Divines that sat with their eyes closed and I knew he was explaining to them how to access the future. I had seen Knox have the same focused face plenty of times to know that they were all currently searching through their own visions.

Two older women took up residence in the other corners of the room, presumably teaching the Shifters and Ethos. Finally, my eyes landed on Eli, standing in the middle of the room with a small crowd of little kids sitting in front of him. Each child looked up at him with awe on their small faces and I felt the pride in my chest knowing that this man was in my life.

While Eli was talking, his head snapped up, as if he felt my presence, and his grin grew wider. Tilting his head, he ushered me over and I pushed off the wall, quietly walking through the room as to not interrupt the learning. When I settled at Eli’s side, he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, bringing me close before addressing the kids again.

“Everyone, this is Halley. She’s an Enchantress.” Eli introduced me and I waved with a smile.

All the kids waved back with excitement, speaking over each other to ask questions. Some asked silly questions like what my favorite color was, while others asked me to do an enchantment for them. Their joy bubbled over into me until I was laughing, trying to answer all their questions as quick as I could.

“Alright, that’s enough questions for now. We need to get back to focusing. Everyone, close your eyes, and think of your happiest memory. You’ll feel your power in your chest.” Eli explained and I watched as all their eyes squeezed shut in concentration, their eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

While the students focused on their memories, I turned in Eli’s arms, resting my head against his chest. I had missed the simplicity of being in his arms, the feeling of safety that I had in his embrace. Watching him teach more Divines how to access their powers, made me think of my first lesson with him. How patient he had been, how encouraging, and how he had been there for the first moment I had truly felt like I was finding myself.

And I couldn’t help but think that, that was the moment that started it all. Eli had been there with me for every step in this new world, never once faltering by my side. Love flowed freely through my chest as I thought of the man in my arms, and letting down my shield, I hoped Eli could feel everything I was. I knew he did when his arms tightened around me, keeping me as close as he could.

Looking up into his eyes, I laid my chin on his chest, whispering I love you, so only he could hear. Eli’s eyes brightened at my words and he leaned down to lay a swift and gentle kiss on my lips before whispering back.

“I love you, Halls. I knew you were it for me the second you stepped foot in Willow Grove.”

His words made my heart beat faster and I went to lean up for another kiss, when a small voice shouted in excitement, separating us.

“I think I got it! I feel my power!”

Eli and I both bent down towards the young girl who had a large, crooked smile, helping her figure her powers out more. More children began shouting in excitement, and I worked with Eli, instructing each child through the process of using their powers for the first time.

Joy filled the room, encompassing each of us, and as Eli sent a grin and wink my way, I could only hope that the Darkness wouldn’t destroy this for us all.

Chapter Twelve


The day had passed in a blur. After Willow opened the portal and we had gotten Halley back, we all went on with our daily duties. I had met up with the Guard members on patrol and after checking that everything was good, I had joined the rotation of men and women manning the perimeter. Although my eyes and ears were trained on the Darkness outside the walls, waiting for any attacks, my mind was elsewhere.

All I could think about was Halley. I had been wishing for her return for months and yet once she was back, I didn’t know where we stood. We had left too much unsaid. We hadn’t had time to move past the tension that brewed between us. And yet, with one touch and one sentence, she had calmed my worries. And maybe that was what had been missing. The thing I had been avoiding by pushing everyone away. But now, I didn’t just have Halley to lean on, I had the others as well.

As the thoughts swirled through my mind, I suddenly felt a presence near me. There was no audible sound to a regular ear, but with my enhanced powers, I could hear the soft sound of feet on grass. On high alert, I waited for the movement to draw closer. When the sound was only a few feet away, I flashed around, grabbing the intruder and pushing them against a tree, my fangs bared.

Smoky laughter flowed from the intruder and my shoulders eased as I took in the face before me. Halley’s hair was wild around her face, framing the soft edges. Her eyes were bright with mischief and I realized it was a look I had never seen aimed at me before. I had only ever seen anger and sadness.

“I should have known I couldn’t sneak up on you.” She spoke through peals of laughter that still shook her shoulders.