Page 21 of Heart Sick

I don’t know where or what that is, but it doesn’t sound good. “No! Let him go.”

On instinct, I jump up and run to where Noah is leading a very composed Bowie away. When I am a few feet away, I come to an abrupt stop, however, because now that I am up close and personal with the man who I’ve merely exchanged looks with from across the room, I realize those looks were in vain.

He watches me with interest.

Being this close to him, I am able to appreciate his good looks because he is the most handsome man I have ever seen. His eyes remind me of an ocean, so blue, so clear, one can see the bottom beneath them. His nose is strong, slightly upturned, giving him a look of arrogance which I have seen him embrace.

His mouth is full. His jaw sharp.

His dirty blond hair frames his gorgeous face. I see he has musical notes tattooed on the left side of his neck. His shoulders are broad, and I guess underneath that hospital gown is a body carved of granite. I suddenly want to see it more than I need air to breathe.

But all fantasies are shattered when Noah grins, revealing his large teeth which has him on par with a rat. Goose bumps spread from head to toe.

“Can’t stay away? Don’t worry your pretty face, I’ll be seeing you real soon.”

A feral snarl leaves Bowie and I like his possessiveness. But I can look after myself.

There is promise to Noah’s words and it stirs the beast within. The only way he can beat me is if I’m tied to my bed or sedated, thanks to the drugs he forces down my throat. I am neither of those things at the moment.

Sucks to be him.

I don’t give him the satisfaction of replying because actions speak a lot louder than words and right now, those actions involve me ripping out his heart. Without warning, I jump onto him and cling on tightly with my arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

He is taken off guard, which is the perfect time for me to attack.

Before he has a chance to speak, I bite down on his nose—again—but this time, I do draw blood and I don’t let go. I tear off a hunk of flesh and spit it out, it splattering against the wall, before sliding to the floor. The sight inspires more violence because it’s in the depraved I feel alive.

I claw at his face, his eyes with my long fingernails, and when he attempts to throw me off, I headbutt him. Both our skulls crunch under the impact and I see stars, but there is no way I’m letting him go.

He loses his balance and very ungracefully tumbles onto the floor, taking me with him. But he breaks my fall. He’s winded, while I get a second lease of life and commence slapping his face. I make a closed fist and am about to punch him, but he gets in first and punches me in the nose.

I instantly taste blood.

“Payback’s a bitch. I am going to destroy you!”

A delirious laugh mixes with the blood as it seeps into my mouth before dribbling down my chin. Noah bucks me off and just as he attempts to punch me again, I am pushed aside. I am startled, not sure what is happening, that is, until I see Bowie diving on top of him and connecting with his face, over and over again, beating him without mercy.

A shrill alarm blares over the speakers and the room flashes red, but Bowie doesn’t stop. His hard hits drown out the alarm and it’s music to my ears—a concert played solely for me.

I watch in excitement as Noah is being beaten to death. Bowie shows no mercy. He is slathered in the enemy’s blood all because of me. Droplets of blood somersault into the air, and I watch them, mesmerized by the almost hypnotic rhythm.

The swirling red light complements Bowie’s bloodied fist and I stare at him, under some sort of spell because the longer I look at him, the more intense these inexplicable feelings grow.

I have felt…dead since Misha’s passing, but now, I feel alive. I almost feel guilty for the fact.

But all guilt is soon replaced with rage as two men rip Bowie off Noah and begin beating him senseless.

With an animalistic roar, I dive on top of them, biting and scratching. “Don’t touch him!”

They fling me off like I weigh nothing at all and I crash into the hard brick wall. I am about to get back up, but sadly, this fight is over—for now.

“Stay down!” Jade orders and before I can tell her to go to hell, the red room is eclipsed into darkness and silence.

I jolt awake, unsure where I am. The last I remember is…the memory instantly triggers the headache, thanks to being knocked out cold.

It’s dark and dank, and I suspect I am in the place Noah mentioned—the vault.

There is a silver toilet and basin attached to the wall and a small simple wooden base on short legs which I’m guessing is supposed to be a bed.