Page 90 of Forever Violet

Jules reaches into his pocket, retrieves a ruby pendant necklace, and lays it on the table. “I believe that’s a family heirloom, right?”

She trails her fingernail along the oval ruby pendant. “Where did you get this?”

“I think you already know the answer.”

“You stole it from your father.” She appears impressed as she collects the necklace. “I seriously misjudged you, Jules. You’re braver than I thought.”

“I’ll take that as a thank you.” He sucks on a lip ring. “And I don’t think I need to mention to you that, if the king finds out you have that, we’ll both be punished. So, I’d appreciate it if he didn’t find out.”

“I’ll keep it someplace safe.” She pushes from her chair, whisks across the small dining room, and hides the necklace inside an antique trunk in the corner of the room. Dusting her hands off, she turns toward me. “I’ll help you remember. In fact, I think it’s important that you do.”

Jules and I exchange a secretive look.

“And why’s that?” Jules asks.

Ava shrugs, yet gives Jules a long look.

Jules mentioned Ava is bound to the king and that she can’t always tell the truth. Perhaps that’s the case now.

“There are two ways this can go to bring her memories back,” she continues. “One is much easier and quicker than the other, but the other is less painful.”

Jules’ gaze collides with mine. “We’d rather do the less painful way.”

“I don’t really think this is awedecision.” She dismisses Jules with a flick of her wrist and focuses on me “Which way would you prefer?” Her sudden devouring gaze makes me reanalyze my initial doubt in Jules’ seduction plan.

“How painful are we talking about?” My question earns me a glare from Jules.

“That all depends on your pain tolerance.” She ambles back across the room and sits down on the corner of the table, nearly sitting on my hand. “Do you tolerate pain well? Does feeling it bring you to life just a little bit?”

I flick a startled glance at Jules, and he places his balled-up fist in front of his mouth to hide his smile.

“Um …” I look up at Ava. “Not really. I mean, I can deal with pain and everything, but I’d prefer not to.”

She sighs disappointedly. “All right, we’ll do it the slower way. But I have to warn you, it may take a few sessions with me that will have to be spread out over a few weeks.” She muses over the thought before lining her palms against the side of my head. “We can do the first session tonight.” She pets my head.

Jules throws me a pressing look then shoves his chair back from the table. “Ava, can I use your washroom?”

Her gaze never wavers from me. “Do whatever you need to, Jules. I’ll take care of Elora.”

It takes all my willpower not to gulp. “What exactly are you going to do?”

She strokes my temple. “Use a bit of what’s left of my magic to lower the memory shield on you.”

I blink at her. “The memory shield?”

Her stroking pauses. “You didn’t know about it?”



“Huh what?”

“It’s nothing … It’s just that I thought, considering your mother put the memory shield on you, that you’d know more about it.”

“My mom did this to me?” My fingernails stab into my palms.

She licks her lips. “Of course. She’s the only wolf in your pack who could perform such magic. Although, she rarely let anyone know about her little trick.”