Page 91 of Forever Violet

“Why would she do this to me?” Tears veil my vision.

“Don’t cry, lovely wolf. I promise that, in time, we’ll get the answers you seek.” Then she lowers her head and kisses me on the lips.

I try not to cringe. Ava is gorgeous and everything, but I don’t like creatures just kissing me whenever they want to. Except for Jules. Even the first time he kissed me, though, I was irritated that he practically stole the kiss from me. It wasn’t his fault, though, I later realized. Our connection was consuming him.

“Now relax,” Ava purrs. “And let me work my magic on you.”

At first, I think her words are an innuendo and I prepare myself to bolt. Then the tips of her fingers begin to spark, magic fizzling over me, and I relax.

She starts chanting a spell under her breath, repeating it until the words are branded into my mind. I remain as motionless as possible until the sparks stop and she withdraws her hands from my face.

I blink a few times and rub my head. “I don’t feel anything.”

“It’ll take a few hours for it to work.” She flexes her hands. “And what memories that appear will probably just be short clips for now.”

I massage my temples. “Will it hurt when the memories come to me?”

“It shouldn’t.” She slants toward me. “Do you have a headache? I can fix that, too, if you need me to.” When I shake my head, she becomes transfixed with my mouth. “You have such soft lips. And your eyes are like the ocean glistening in the sunlight.”

And apparently, Ava is a player.

“Actually, we should probably get going,” Jules announces as he returns to the dining room. “Lake’s got to get up really early for training, and she’s not much of a morning person.”

“Oh, fine,” Ava sighs, leaning away from me. “I’ll see you next week, then.” She licks her lips.

Wonderful. Just wonderful. I’m seriously going to kick Jules in the balls for this.

* * *

We both remain quiet after we leave the cottage and hike up the path toward Jules’ house with Rune trailing our heels. Only when we’re a good distance from the cottage does Jules inform me he found the book. That it’s stuffed away in his back pocket.

“Good,” I say. Then I whack him in the gut.

He grunts, doubling over. “What the hell was that for?”

“For your stupid, little seduction plan.” I swat him again, not as hard this time, mostly due to my wolf’s protests.

“I’m going to let you two hash this out on your own,” Rune mutters, wandering toward the corner of the street and leans against a lamppost.

“I’m sorry you’re upset, but it was the only thing I could think of to distract her while I got the book.” Jules straightens, rubbing his abdomen.

“Well, next time, think of a better distraction than having me let a creature kiss me.” I move to hit his stomach again, but he jumps out of my way.

I lunge for him, but he sidesteps me, moving at a swift pace.

Dammit, he’s fast.

I whirl around, kicking up a cloud of dirt as I track his moves. My werewolf senses kick in, my vision sharpening. When my gaze locks on him, I charge, and he opens his arms, taking the impact, allowing me to crash against his chest. Then he folds his arms around me, trapping me against him. I writhe around, somehow ending up with my legs and arms clenched around him.

He makes no move to pry me off him, latching onto me. “I’m so fucking sorry I asked you to be a distraction. I didn’t realize Ava would kiss you. I should’ve known. You’re too irresistible.”

I roll my eyes as I stare at him. “You sound just as bad as her, spouting cheesy lines to try to win me over.”

“I’m not spouting cheesy lines. I’m telling the truth. You’re too irresistible.” Keeping one hand secured under my butt, he brushes a lock of hair out of my face. “And I promise you’ll never have to do anything like that again. I’m sorry I asked you to at all.”

“Will you come with me when I have to see her again?” My anger softens. “Every time I have to come?”

He nods. “I’ll even hold your hand the entire time.”