Page 35 of Your Hand in Mine

I nod my head and smile, relieved that it’s behind us. “Apocalyptic is a good word. I like that one.” Skylar turns to look at me a moment later when I say, “She’s very attached to you.”

She sees the worry on my face and shoots me a soft smile. “That’s a good thing. Healthy attachments are necessary for us primates. And that’s not just my opinion, that comes courtesy of every expert on developmental theory from Darwin to Piaget.”

I lower my head and nod, embarrassed for some reason.

“I feel sort of responsible for this morning. I’ve just been so excited about James. Maybe me talking about him all the time and showing her pictures hyped this visit up too much.”

“Don’t go taking credit for her temper tantrum. I’m not and I’m the one who started her off. That was one hundred percent Libs. And youshouldbe hyped up about becoming an aunt for the first time. A new baby in the family changes everything. Holding a baby for the first time…”

She picks up where I trail off. “Oh, I wasn’t ready for it. You think Olivia was bawling back there? I spouted like a faucet the first time I held James in my arms.”

“I think I was speechless for a full five minutes when I first held Olivia.”

“Aw, so under that grumpy exterior you’re really just a mush like me. I knew it.”

“Grumpy? That’s how you see me?”

“Well, you made some first impression when you barged into the office that day.”

My eyes go wide. “Are you serious? I was worried out of my mind.”

“And that help wanted ad? Brutal.”

“Direct and to the point is the way I’d describe it.”

She laughs and nudges my knee with her hand. “I was scared out of my mind walking into your house that first time. I was expecting you to blow a whistle like that father inTheSound of Music…Captain Von Trapp.”

“Never saw it.”

“Yeah,” she smiles my way and teases, “I don’t suppose you’d like it. Might hit too close to home.”

“Jeez…Who knew you were such a wiseass.” I don’t say it with a smile but I am smiling on the inside. I don’t get much of a chance to talk one-on-one with Skylar, and I’m liking this relaxed and playful side of her.

She rests her head back against the seat. “I had a rough couple of months there, but I finally feel like I’m getting back to my old self.”

“And your old self was a wiseass?”

“Sometimes.” She looks back to make sure Olivia is still asleep. “But I meant that I finally feel like I’ve found my footing again. I feel more confident and I’m happy most of the time…More like I used to be. Leaving home to come to school was harder than I’d anticipated.”

I wrestle with whether or not to go there for a moment, but she’s opening up to me and the temptation to know more about her is too strong. “You suffered a tremendous loss, too. I’m impressed that you even had it in you to tackle college after what you went through.”

“Don’t be impressed. College was my way to escape from all that hurt. I got a perfect GPA for the fall semester because I was basically running on auto-pilot.”

“I call bullshit.” She looks to me, her eyes wide in surprise. “I mean, you’re completely engaged when you’re with my daughter. I see it. I’d never in a million years describe you as running on auto-pilot.”

Skylar turns and smiles at Olivia’s sleeping face. “I think she kind of saved me these past few months. It’s hard to wallow in grief when you’ve got someone depending on you.”

“I can relate to that.”

She clears her throat before asking, “Feel free to tell me to can it if this is too personal, but how old was Olivia when her mother died?”

“It was just before her first birthday. She, uh, her mother died in a car accident.”

I hear her breath catch. “Leo, I’m so sorry.”

“Thank you.”

“No…I mean, yes, I am sorry for your loss, but I’m sorry about today. And I’m sorry about making fun of your want ad. You must be worried anytime Olivia gets into a car with anyone but you.”