Page 36 of Your Hand in Mine

“I wouldn’t have let you two drive today even if that never happened.”

“But still, I should have been more sensitive.”

“No way you could have known.”

After a moment of silence that for some reason doesn’t feel one bit uncomfortable, she says, “She asks about her. More frequently these past few weeks.”

“Think maybe all the baby talk has something to do with it?”

“Probably. But I also think it has to do with school.”

“How so?”

“I watch her at pick-up time. She looks for me and smiles when she’s running towards me, but in those few seconds before she spots me, sometimes I see her focusing in on the other kids. There aren’t a lot of other babysitters picking up. A few fathers, but it’s mainly moms.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.”

She nods her head knowingly when she says, “I’m sure you have.”

I don’t get it, and tell her just that.

“Let’s just say a few of them lookverydisappointed when I get out of the car. I think you’ve got a few fan club members.”


Now she’s full on belly laughing. “There’s one, little Sarah’s mom? She asks about you all the time. It’s like she’s a CIA agent digging for intel.” In a more quiet voice she adds, “I think she kind of hates me because I basically answerI don’t knowto every question. And really, Idon’tknow.”

“What does she ask?”

“Oh, she’s just a pain. She asks about Olivia’s mother.” Skylar pretends she’s sucking on a vape pen and switches over to an annoying, nasally voice. “What’s the story there? Like, is he single?” Looking to me, she adds, “Mind you, she isnotsingle from what I’ve gathered, so her interest in you makes her all the more heinous.”

“How do you answer her?”

“It’s not just her that I have to contend with. I’d say there are three or four thirsty ladies in total. And I don’t tell them squat.” She looks mildly offended. “I’d never.”

“There’s really nothing to tell.”

She looks away, gazes out the passenger side window. “I don’t know about that. I’d say you’re a pretty interesting person.”

“Are we there yet?” a groggy voice calls from the back seat.

Skylar looks at her phone. “Ten minutes, angel.”

“You got my cup?”

“Of course, mademoiselle,” Skylar answers as she rummages through her bag.

“Olivia, maybe instead you could try saying something like, ‘Skylar, may I please have my cup?’” And for some reason they both find that very entertaining. “What? Is it wrong to start teaching her better manners?”

Olivia ignores me, taking the cup from Skylar and slurping the contents down, while Skylar is still wearing a teasing smile. “That’s what I’m talking about. That was a total Captain Von Trapp move.”

She smiles all the time, but for some reason it feels different today. Maybe it’s because we’re sitting side by side talking in a way that’s more personal than we have before, maybe it’s because her smiles are directed at me and no one else. Whatever the reason, it’s affecting me more than it should. I like this connection, this warmth and familiarity—I like seeing her happy. Doesn’t matter that she’s only smiling because she’s making fun of me. Let her. Even when she teases it’s good natured. I just don’t think she has it in her to be unkind.

I find that I’m smiling when I look away from her and back to the road. “We might have to schedule a movie night.”

“Totally! Olivia’s seen it before. She loves it.”

“Love what?”