She felt his hands shift and he drew her near to him. In spite of everything, despite the imploring voice inside her head, Grace allowed herself to settle against his hard body. Anticipation swept through her as she felt his heat against her.
She rested her hands against his chest, feeling the smooth fabric of his shirt on her fingers. She was sure she could feel his heart pounding.
Desire had awakened in him.
Grace glanced up into Qazim's eyes. "Let's not do this now," she said quickly.
Qazim's brows furrowed. "Do what now?" he asked.
"Never mind," Grace replied turning her head away from him.
She felt Qazim's fingers beneath her chin. She turned her head and faced him. His lips were moist, and she knew any moment now, his head would dip, and those lips would claim her.
If that happened, she knew everything would be lost. She would be lost.
Grace knew she had to resist that temptation.
She heard a noise coming from the kitchen. Dinner must be almost ready, she told herself. She saw Qazim's eyes flicker in the same direction. He looked momentarily annoyed.
Grace seized the opportunity. She took a step back. She fussed with her long blonde hair, feeling suddenly awkward.
Qazim's brows narrowed. He looked about to say something, perhaps insist upon an explanation for her conduct.
Grace move towards the long dinner table. "I'm hungry," she declared.
When she glanced back at Qazim, she saw his expression was thoughtful. She saw him consider, one last time whether or not to say something to her. But then he seemed to finally admit temporary defeat.
"I'll tell the chef we're ready," he said moving past her. His voice had an impatient edge.
Grace watched Qazim head off toward the kitchen. Had she done the right thing? Could she even find the strength to tell him that they were finished? That this relationship had been doomed from the start? That they existed in separate worlds. That there was no future in this intense, amazing, passionate arrangement.
Right now, she wasn't so sure she would be able to tell him it was all over.
But one thing was for sure. The last person to think that the relationship was finished would be Qazim.
As she started to make her way to the table, Grace couldn't help wondering just what Qazim's reaction would be when she finally did tell him.
Qazim was worried.
The meal was over and it hadn't gone to plan. Not at all. There was something bothering Grace. He'd known it from the moment she'd stepped out of the elevator. She'd looked away from him as he'd moved toward her, wanting to greet her the same way he'd always done.
With an embrace and a kiss.
He'd waited impatiently for her to arrive, and now he wondered why she was behaving so coldly toward him. There had been no hint of trouble these past few weeks. As far as Qazim was concerned, his relationship with Grace couldn't be any better.
In fact, it was the best he'd ever had with any woman.
Qazim and Grace had shared the meal together. The staff had finished clearing the table and had already left.
Qazim and Grace were alone.
Just the way he liked it.
Now he might be able to get an answer out of her. Find out what was on her mind. Even more than that, they would make love.