She'd figured everything out. Hadn't she? She knew what she had to do.
There was only one way this evening was going to end. And that was with her walking straight back into the elevator after breaking up with him.
But he looked so tempting, she told herself. Perhaps it wouldn't do any harm to enjoy one last kiss. She could tell he'd planned out the evening. There would be the meal; the usual conversation, a mixture of flirting and spirited back-and-forth between them both. She enjoyed this sparring as much as he obviously did.
Then he would make his move, assuming she would submit. Just as she had done so many times before. He would expect her to settle into his embrace, savoring his ravenous kiss, submitting completely.
Not this time, Grace told herself.
Tonight was going to be different.
Qazim edged closer and placed his glass down onto the table. When she looked back into his eyes, she had already made her mind up.
She quickly put her own glass down next to his. Then she stood, quickly, and stepped away from the sofa, moving toward the tinted windows.
She halted, taking in the incredible view of the city. Grace wrapped her arms around herself, waiting for Qazim to react to her sudden move.
She didn't have long to wait. She heard him move. Grace watched his reflection in the window and saw him move slowly, halting directly behind her. She could not make out the detail of his features. All she could see was the silhouette of his tall, powerful frame.
Grace felt his hands settle on her shoulders. Sensation rippled through her as she resisted the temptation to lean back, settling against his body. She felt his breath on the side of her face.
"What's wrong, Grace?" he asked in a quiet, steady voice.
Grace swallowed and shook her head. "What makes you think anything is wrong?" she replied.
Grace turned and looked at Qazim. His gaze was steady and searching. There was a suggestion of uncertainty in that look, she realized. She had genuinely caught him off-guard. "I know you too well," he said.
"Really?" Grace replied. "You know me, do you?"
His brows furrowed and his lips became a thin line. She heard him drawing a deep breath. He moved around to her side, one hand still resting on her shoulder.
Any moment now that hand would probably trace a line across her neck searching for a way to make her feel good. He was an expert at that. "Of course I know you," Qazim said. "I thought we'd gotten to know each other pretty well these last few weeks. Wouldn't you agree?"
Grace forced herself to shrug. Still, she didn't move away from him. She could sense the power of his body now that he was so close. His hand slide down her back, settling midway down. That simple move caused a tingle of delight to crackle through her nerves. She knew she had to get hold of herself.
"I guess so," she said, trying to sound dismissive, even casual
He peered at her, and she wondered if he had been convinced by her attempt at passing off the last few weeks of intense passion as if it hadn't really meant anything to her. She knew that wasn't true, but she had come here with a clear purpose in mind, and she was determined to see it through.
"You guess so?" he probed, moving around to face her.
Grace could feel the awesome power of his presence now that he was right in front of her. He towered over her, six feet plus of raw power and temptation. Grace knew she wasn't small, five seven wasn't that petite.
But, right now, she felt dwarfed by him.
Qazim settled his hands at her hips and gazed down into her eyes. Their gaze met in a mutual silent combat. He knew she would defy him. In fact, she guessed that was one of the parts of her character he liked. Her willingness to hold him at bay.
But, right now, she could feel her barrier beginning to weaken. It was the way he looked at her, she told herself. That look had probably melted plenty of hearts before Grace had stepped into Qazim's life. She was sure of that.
"You're holding something back," he declared.
"I'm not," she replied curtly.
Grace saw his nostrils flare slightly. His jaw tightened, and he glanced away for a moment. When he looked back at her, she saw he was struggling to maintain his composure.
"Is there something you want to tell me, Grace?"
Grace shook her head. She knew this was the moment she should seize. But for some reason, the words she'd rehearsed earlier just would not come. Her throat felt tight.