In my life, and in my service to my country, I’d seen more violence than I’d ever wanted. For some reason, seeing this woman’s injuries, a woman who was always so full of sunshine and rainbows, spreading fucking glitter wherever she went, was the biggest shock to my system I’d ever had. I couldn’t process it.

Somewhere in there, Eagle had tied a bandage under her chin around the top of her head to hold her jaw in place, confirming my suspicions it was dislocated. Then he snagged a blanket from the foot of the bed.

“OK,” Eagle said. “Let’s move her.” He carefully wrapped her up in the blanket. Before he could scoop her up, I shouldered my way in front of him.

“I’ve got her. Move.”

Eagle looked like he might protest but thought better of it. Good damned thing too because I was riding the edge, and throwing the other man a beating would give me great satisfaction just now.

“Come on, sweetheart.” Endearments didn’t come easily for me. Neither did gentleness. But for Blossom, I’d give it my all. “It’s all gonna be OK now.”

I stood with her in her arms. She whimpered more than once but didn’t stiffen her body or try to move in any way. Her head lolled until I got her settled so it rested against my chest. The rage trying to take me over settled a little, but only because she was in my arms and my brain knew she needed care and comfort. The violence swirling inside me was still there, but held firmly in check.

“That’s it, baby girl. Just relax as much as you can.”


“Don’t worry about the dog. We’ll take care of you both.” God, I wasn’t good at this!


“I’m here, baby. I’ve got you.”

“You hate me.”

Fuck! Fucking shit piss and Goddamn! I was going to hell, and I deserved every agony and torment the seventh pit had to offer.

“Clutch, pull the cage as close to the front door as you can get. It will be easier to leave that way instead of walking around the perimeter of the house.” Atlas gave the command as he carefully picked up the dog and set her on top of Blossom. The pup found a secure place and settled in for the ride. She still growled and whined, never taking her eyes from me, but held herself still. All but the continual trembling.

Clutch nodded once. “On it.”

Atlas cut me off as I headed for the door, moving his large frame between me and the exit “I think you’ve done enough to that girl today. Give her to Eagle.”

“Like hell. Besides, I didn’t touch her.”

“No. But can you honestly say this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t run her off from the clubhouse today? She usually stays with the girls on Saturday nights. I know what you said to her. Wylde isn’t the only one with access to the camera feeds.”

Eagle stepped around Atlas and took Blossom from me. He scowled at me once before carrying her out of the room without speaking to me.

“I’ll pay you for the damned dog you were so upset over,” Atlas growled. “If I see you near her while she’s at the clubhouse, I’ll rip your fuckin’ arms off and shove ’em up your ass.”

Yeah. I deserved that.

With Blossom gone, I turned on the light to her room and glanced around, looking for anything I thought she might want or need. I found a full backpack sitting in the corner of the room, like someone had flung it there. Picking it up, I unzipped it and glanced at the contents. Clothes, toiletries, and some cash. Looked like she’d been prepared to run.

With a sigh, I headed downstairs to the front where my brothers were currently loading Blossom into the Bronco Clutch had brought as the cage. It had been for the puppy, but I was doubly glad he’d brought it now.

I approached the vehicle as Eagle was lifting Blossom into the back seat. She lay on her side not moving.

“I’ve got Mars on the way to haul my bike back to the compound,” he said. “I’ll ride back here with her to keep her safe. She can’t sit with a seat belt around her.”

“No,” I said. “I’ll do it.”

“The hell you will,” Atlas said, taking a threatening step toward me. “Not unless you’re prepared to be drawn and quartered back at the clubhouse. I’ll post your head at the gate to the compound for everyone to see what we do to people who mistreat women.” He bared his teeth at me.

“Look, I know I messed up. I also know she has a crush on me. Everyone knows it. I was trying to discourage it this afternoon. I admit I went too far.”

“Damned straight you went too far!” Atlas jabbed my chest with a finger. “And I still might rip off your arms. Gotta talk to Sting about it first.” I knew Atlas wasn’t kidding. Judging by the look on his face now, he was seconds away from saying to hell with it and just following through with his threat and asking forgiveness later.