“Let me look after her until we get to the clubhouse.” I insisted, unable to leave this alone.

Atlas didn’t bat an eye. “No. Eagle will ride with her and get her settled in his and Stitches’ clinic until we have church. We don’t take in outsiders, but I’m not gonna let anyone turn her away until Sting and I have hashed this out. Fortunately, I don’t expect any resistance. Not even from the older holdouts still unsure if they want Sting as president. Do you know why?” I didn’t think Atlas expected an answer from me, but I knew. Sure enough, he plowed on before I could open my mouth. “Because she’s gotten to know every single member of our club. The only exception are the club whores, and it wasn’t for lack of trying. Hell, even some of them think the world of her. The only holdouts that I’m aware of are Star and her group. Everyone else thinks as much of Blossom as our old ladies do.”

“I hear you, Atlas.”

“Do you? Because I’ll also be bringing you up in church. I know you’re a loner and antisocial even when you’re in a good mood. But you took it upon yourself to run that girl off without even trying to get to know her or the reason she was here. And before you say you were saving the club from itself because everyone thought she was too sweet to run off, Sting had measures in place. While we don’t let in anyone not inked and loyal to the club, there have always been measures in place to allow for visitors. She knew the rules, and she followed them. Without exception.” The longer he spoke, the angrier Atlas became. “You overstepped. If Sting takes it as you usurping his authority, I won’t lift a finger to help you, you son of a bitch. And you know what happens when a member’s expelled.”

I closed my eyes. Atlas was right. I had no defense. “I hear you. If that’s what happens, I’ll take my punishment like a man.”

“You will. I’ll see to it.”

“Still want the task of looking after her. I can use that time to apologize and make amends. Assuming Sting takes some time to decide if he’s expelling me or not. You’re right. I should have wondered why someone with her money would be hanging around an MC when she should be with people in her own circles. Looking back, I supposed she was looking for a strong protector. Someone who could give a damn who her stepfather was.”

Atlas gave me a hard look, studying me as Eagle slid into the seat beside Blossom and pulled her gently into his lap. She whimpered in pain, but Eagle comforted her as much as he could. Someone had taken the damned puppy from her and put it in the front seat with Clutch. It whined and tried to get back to Blossom. Cyrus, of all people, reached for the pup when Clutch picked it up and settled it on Blossom’s lap. Her bruised and cut hand shook as she rested it on the little dog. Both of them stilled, taking comfort in each other. Again with that stupid “feel” in my chest!

“I’ll talk to Sting. It will be up to him, but since Iris is so close to Blossom, I imagine she’ll want a say too. I’m not for you being anywhere near her ever again, so I’m not going to speak up for you. I’ll leave it to Sting. If he approves it, I won’t argue against it.”

I knew that was all I was going to get. I looked at Blossom once more before leaning in and gently stroking the hair from her face. “I’m sorry, little flower. You didn’t deserve my attitude or my accusations.”

“Walker?” Her voice was weak, and she couldn’t open her eyes.

“Yeah, baby. It’s me. You know. Mr. Grouchypants.” I tried to lighten the mood just a little. I knew it wouldn’t help much.

“Just wanted help.” Her words were slurred and hard to understand, but to me each word hit me like a dagger to my heart.

“Hush now.” Eagle spoke gently to her, glaring at me. “You can tell us about it once we get you patched up and you’ve healed some.

“Eagle,” she sighed. “Sorry.”

“Nothin’ for you to be sorry ’bout. Takin’ you back to the clubhouse now. You’re safe, little one. We all got your back.”

Atlas shut the door and thumped the back of the vehicle. A signal for Clutch to pull away. As I watched the Bronco leaving down the long drive toward the main gate, I couldn’t help but feel like it should have been me reassuring Blossom that the entirety of Iron Tzars had her back. Not one of my brothers. So help me God, before this was done, I would be the one comforting Blossom. She’d chosen me to protect her, and I’d failed once.