“I’m sorry…?”

He held up a box. “Did you think I was joking about the pregnancy test? We’re gonna find out if you were lying to me or not. Then we have to leave. If your grandmother tells Savannah she saw me in town, everyone will know it was me.”

He held the door open, and I took in as much of the living room as I could without moving.

“Don’t even think about it, Morgan. We’re in the middle of nowhere.”

“We can’t be that far from town. You weren’t gone long.”

He shot me a dirty look. “Get out here—now!”

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I made my way over to the door. “You do realize those tests aren’t always accurate.”

When I walked by him, he put a hand on my lower back and I quickly stepped away. He then grabbed my arm and guided me to a large bathroom.

“I added the tub just for you, when I saw how much you loved to take baths.”

My skin crawled at the idea of him watching me in my bathroom. “How often did you watch?”

He winked. “Not often enough, thanks to Savannah.” A wicked smile grew on his face. “She used to sit across from me on the sofa, working, while I’d have the cameras pulled up, watching you bathe…watching you fuck that asshole. God, it made me so damn hard, I’d have to give in and take her right there on the sofa. She thought I was being spontaneous and romantic.” He laughed. “It was you I thought about, every time. Not her.”

I shook my head, my voice sounding small when I asked, “How could you invade my privacy like that?”

He shrugged. “It was like watching porn. As much as I hated seeing him touch you, it still got me off. And hearing you scream out your orgasm at that cabin? I got off on that too.”

I stumbled over my feet so badly, he had to catch me. “I knew you were there that night!”

All he did was laugh. I wanted to tell him he was a sick, twisted fuck, but the last thing I could afford to do was piss him off.

He tossed me the box, and I caught it. “Sit and pee.”

My mouth dropped open. “With you in here?”

He leaned against the doorjamb. “I’ve seen you naked plenty of times, Morgan.”

I couldn’t help it, I snarled my lip at him.

“What’s the matter?” he said with a smirk. “You don’t like knowing I was watching you?”

Folding my arms over my chest, I retorted, “Would any woman like to know a man was watching their every move? Their most intimate moments?”

“Some might.”

“Well, I’m not one of them. What you did was wrong—and illegal.”

“I hardly think I need to worry about a few cameras now. Not after kidnapping you.”

Standing my ground, I said, “I’m not peeing on this thing with you standing there.”

He let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine. But the windows are nailed shut, so don’t even think you can get out.” With that, Bradford finally shut the door.

I spun around, taking everything in. There was nothing in the bathroom I could use as a weapon. Not even a shower curtain to wrap around his neck and strangle his ass. “Shit!” I whispered.

I moved quietly around the bathroom, opening cabinets that revealed emptiness. No cleaning containers, no towels. Not a damn thing.

Think, Morgan! Think!

Looking at the pregnancy test box, I cursed. Why had I said I was pregnant?

“Are you peeing yet?” Bradford called from behind the door.

“I’m trying! I need to run the water to make myself pee.” Once I turned on the water, I hurried over to the first of two large windows.

The second I looked outside, I pressed my hand to my mouth to stifle a gasp. Something was running along the edge of the dim light that illuminated part of the front yard.

It was a man.

Had they found me? Had Ryan found me?

Rushing over to the other window, all I saw was blackness. Despite that, a burst of hope filled me. Ryan was here. I wasn’t sure how I knew it was him. I just felt it in the depths of my soul.

Quickly turning back to the faucet, I pulled out one of the tests and stuck it under the water. There was no way I was going to pee on a test, only for that sicko to handle it. I flushed the toilet and turned the water off. I needed to distract Bradford so whoever was outside could find a way in.

I set the test down on a piece of toilet paper and flushed the toilet again.

“Can I come in now?” Bradford asked.

Rolling my eyes, I walked over to the door and tried to open it. It was locked from the outside. “You can come in.”

“Stand back from the door.”