Nox shook his head. “None of them live here. They’re all in New York City.”

“Jesus. The bastard lied about everything. And I fucking fell for it!” I felt sick to my stomach for maybe the tenth time since this all started. “He met my parents, Blayze’s parents…and I never thought twice about why we didn’t meet any of his family. What about Savannah?”

“Rodney’s still looking into her, but from what we can tell, she’s clueless about all of this. My guess is he used her as a cover.”

“Stella said she saw him at Albertsons. How’s he getting around without being seen by any traffic cameras?”

“My guess?” Nox said as he headed south out of town. “He ditched his vehicle and is driving something else.”

“The police are going through camera footage of Albertsons’ parking lot. Maybe they’ll see what car he got into.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’d bet my left nut he’s at that cabin with her.”

Nox drove like a bat out of hell down the highway as I stared out the window. If Bradford had harmed a single hair on Morgan’s body, I was going to kill him.

Nox glanced over at me. “Ryan, I need to know your head is in the game. Emotions can be overwhelming. You go in there running on your feelings and you risk Morgan getting hurt—or worse, killed.”

Turning to look at him, I drew in a slow, deep breath. “Back in the day, I decided not to work with you because of her.”

He nodded. “I know. That’s why I’m worried.”

“I appreciate all the training you gave me that summer, and for taking a chance on me, Nox. I’m sorry if I let you down.”

A humorless chuckle slipped from his mouth. “Ryan, you never let me down. The kind of work I do isn’t for everyone.” He paused. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course you can.”

“Blayze has no idea how we actually met, right? He still thinks it was in college?”

“Yeah, he thinks we met in college. I never told anyone the truth.”

He gripped the steering wheel tighter. “You never told anyone that the CIA tried to recruit you?”

I hadn’t been surprised when Nox had approached me about the CIA. I’d gotten top scores on both college entrance tests. I was on our high school shooting team and had won countless tournaments. Plus, I spoke Russian since my grandmother had started teaching me when I was a toddler, and I’d taken four years of Spanish in high school. I was a walking fucking advertisement for the CIA.

Lifting my brow, I asked, “Did you?”

“Touché.” He let out a long breath. “Will you tell Morgan?”

“Only if she asks.”

“You know she’s going to after this, don’t you?”

I smiled. “She might have a few questions.”

“Well…let’s hope we get there before Billings and the Feds figure out what we already know.”

My phone buzzed seconds later. I pulled it out to see a text from Blayze. “They found the car he was in. Traffic cams have him headed south, out of town.”

“Better floor it. If they found the car he was driving, it won’t be long before they figure out everything else.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


I heard the sound of a door shutting and I sat up in bed, my heart instantly hammering in my chest. I’d been racking my brain trying to think of a way out of here. I knew I needed to convince Bradford to let me out of this room if I stood any chance of escaping. I highly doubted anyone suspected he was the person who took me. He’d fooled us all.

I stood and reached for the wall to steady myself. I was still feeling a bit off and my head was pounding even though I’d taken the Tylenol he’d brought for me.

I had no idea what time it was since I had no clue how long I’d been knocked out, and there weren’t any windows in the room to indicate the time of day. It had been around nine in the morning, or maybe closer to nine-thirty, when he’d taken me from the shop. I’d been out cold for the drive to the cabin, but Bradford had said we’d have to leave so we wouldn’t be found, and that gave me hope that we really were still in Hamilton. And he hadn’t been gone very long on his trip to town. Maybe…a half hour or so?

The bedroom door opened, and Bradford stood there. He looked pissed.

“I ran into your fucking grandmother at the store.”

My heart felt like it stopped. If he harmed her in any way, I’d dig his eyes out with my fingers and shove them down his throat.

“If you hurt her, I swear to God, I’ll make you pay.”

He jerked his head back in surprise. “I didn’t fucking hurt her! Now…come on.”

I blinked at him a few times. “What?”

“Come on. You’re gonna pee on the stick.”