“Ugh, I don’t want to hear or see this.” Hunter turned and walked into the building. I saw Georgiana wiping a tear away while Blayze simply smirked and then gave me a quick single nod before he and Georgiana followed Hunter.

Smiling at Morgan, I shook my head. “Are you trying to get me killed?”

She chuckled. “I can’t help it. I love to tease them, especially Hunter. That man doesn’t think he’ll ever fall in love.”

I pulled my head back in surprise. “What do you mean?”

We both stood, and Morgan wrapped her arm around my waist as we started for the building. “Exactly that. He doesn’t think he’s meant to find love. I don’t know why. I think he believes in love. At least, I hope so. He sees it with our parents and aunt and uncles. Our grandparents. Blayze and Georgiana. But for some reason he doesn’t think he’ll ever find it himself.”

“Did he tell you that?”

“Not in so many words, but it’s amazing what a man who’s had too much whiskey will confess to his litter sister.”

I stopped us right before we got to the door. “Did Blayze tell you about the TV thing they want Hunter to be part of?”

Morgan’s eyes went wide with curiosity. “Like…a reality show?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“What kind? Are they going to follow him around on the circuit?”

Not wanting to let Blayze or Hunter miss out on seeing the look on their sister’s face when they told her about the show, I shrugged. “You need to ask Blayze or Hunter. I’m not sure on all the details.”

She narrowed her eyes and nodded. “I will. Now I’m intrigued.”

Kissing her on the forehead, I replied, “I knew you would be.”

Nearly two weeks had passed, and it was finally the opening day of A La Chic Boutique. No more notes had shown up, no more vandalism had taken place. Blayze attributed it to the new security cameras, and the fact that I was living with Morgan.

At Morgan’s insistence, I had started back at my folk’s ranch yesterday. Only half a day at a time for now. There were so many people at the store getting ready for the opening, I felt it was safe to leave for a few hours. Every night, I looked forward to spending time with Morgan. We spent almost every single evening at home, cooking side by side and talking for hours. Then we made love before she fell asleep in my arms. It was fucking blissful. There were times I thought maybe it was all a dream.

Now I got to watch all of Morgan’s hard work finally pay off. I’d taken a few days off to help around the store, and so did Blayze. So far today, the store had enjoyed a constant stream of people coming in and out. Even Savannah had stopped by with her news crew earlier, recording a story for the evening news.

Standing toward the back, I watched Morgan and Georgiana talk fashion with their customers up front. They were both clearly in their element.

“It’s nice to see them both so happy,” Blayze said as he stood next to me.

“It is,” I agreed. “I meant to ask, how’s the book writing going for Georgiana?”

Blayze grinned. Georgiana had been a freelance reporter before she’d settled down in Hamilton with Blayze. She’d worked for fashion magazines, including Vogue, but had also written for a few sports magazines, mainly focusing on professional bull riding. Her true passion was fashion, though according to Morgan, Georgiana also loved reading, and she was currently writing a romance novel.

“She’s almost done.”

I looked at Blayze. “No kidding? What happens next?”

“She has a few friends in the publishing industry, but she’s decided to self-publish. She’s trying to get it finished before the wedding. Not sure when exactly she’ll publish it, though.”

Blayze and Georgiana were due to get married at the end of summer. They’d both wanted things to settle down with the store before Georgiana jetted off for a week on her honeymoon.

Avery rushed by with a dress in her hand, making both of us smile. “I’d say you might have another fashion diva in the family,” I said.

“Definitely. I mean, even though Avery isn’t blood related, she’s still like a little sister to me and my siblings. And Morgan is crazy protective over her. It’s nice to see her involving Avery in the store.”

I nodded. Avery’s older brother, Bradly, had always been on the shy side. But Avery was larger than life, exactly like her father, Dirk. “Bradly still riding for his school?”

Blayze nodded. “Yep, but boy does he want to drop out and go on the circuit. Dirk won’t let him, though.”

Before I could reply, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Blayze’s phone went off at the same time. My heart dropped as I looked at the screen. Blayze glanced at his, cursed—and looked at Morgan.