Looking up from where she’d been staring at her nails, Georgiana sighed. “I didn’t see a wink. Maybe we should try bowling again?”

Savannah leaned close to me and whispered, “Has she always been like this?”

Nodding, I replied, “I’m afraid so.”

She sat back in her seat and then smiled when she saw Bradford returning.

Leaning down, he gave her a quick kiss. “Sorry, that was the restaurant calling. The footage from outside does show a guy standing there, but it looks like he was just smoking. After looking at the indoor footage, I’m afraid it isn’t much help either since there are a few areas of the dining room where the cameras can’t see. At least four tables. Though, the guy would have had to know that ahead of time in order to not be seen.”

“That’s a scary thought,” Savannah said and Bradford nodded in agreement, sitting down next to her.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be of any more help, Ryan,” he said.

“Dude, you’ve done more than I could have asked for. I appreciate you having someone check the cameras.”

“For sure, no problem at all.”

“Ryan, if there’s anything you need us to do, please don’t hesitate to ask,” Savannah offered. “I know I just met Morgan, but I like her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy.”

I smiled as I watched Morgan argue with Blayze over his last throw. “I think I’ve known for a long while that Morgan’s the one.”

“The one?” Savannah and Bradford asked together. They both smiled at me, and I laughed.

With a half shrug, I replied, “It’s hard to explain. I feel this connection with her that I’ve never felt with anyone else.”

“I get that.” Savannah linked her fingers with Bradford’s.

He leaned in and kissed her again. “I love you.”

Savannah’s face lit up. “I love you too.”

“Gag me,” I whispered, right before Savannah smacked the back of my head.

Blayze came over and sat down, grabbing his beer and nearly downing it. “Are you sure you want to date my sister? Why in the world would you agree to this when you know how she is? Having Hunter here to top it off is like pouring gasoline on a fire.”

I couldn’t very well tell him I’d agreed to cornhole because his little sister had given me the best blowjob of my life. So, I went in a different direction. “She needed the distraction. She tossed and turned all night and hardly slept.”

When Blayze slowly turned to look at me, I realized my fuck up.

“And how do you know this? Did you sleep in the living room chair and watch her all night?”

I cleared my throat and sat up straighter. If I needed to take off running, I was pretty sure I could beat him. “No, I carried her to bed around two in the morning.”

“And he slept in the same bed as me,” Morgan said, walking up and sitting down in my lap. She gave me a bright grin before she kissed me. “And then, in the morning, we­­­­­­­­­­­­—”

“Oooookay! How about we all head back inside for a friendly game of pool!” Georgiana interrupted as she fought to get the beer bottle out of Blayze’s hand.

Savannah and Bradford both laughed and then stood and headed back into the building. Hunter stared after them, an expression on his face I couldn’t interpret. I wasn’t sure if he was looking at Bradford or Savannah, but…God, I hoped he wasn’t developing a thing for my friend’s girl.

I was distracted from that thought when Blayze elbowed me in the side.

“The only reason I’m not killing you right now is because I want this to work between the two of you. I love you both, and there isn’t anyone I trust more than you, Ryan. But…” Blayze turned to Morgan. “If you ever even attempt to talk about your sex life with my best friend, I will beat him to a pulp.”

“Hey!” I croaked out.

Hunter walked over with a slight grin, but then pointed to me and put on a serious expression. “That goes for me too.”

Morgan stood and looked between her brothers. I saw her evil grin—and I knew something explosive was about to come out of that mouth of hers.

She patted Hunter on the chest, then glanced at Blayze. “Just be glad it was Ryan I lost my virginity to and not some rando in college.”

Hunter closed his eyes. Blayze snapped his head around to look at me while Georgiana casually stepped between us.

Swallowing hard, I held my breath. Blayze looked around his fiancée, pointed at me and said, “You fucking better have made it special for her.”

I blinked a few times.

Morgan sat back down on my lap and kissed me. Looking directly into my eyes, she softly said, “He did…multiple times.”

“For fuck’s sake, Morgan!” Blayze bitched, pretending to gag.

My heart squeezed in my chest as I cupped Morgan’s face and kissed her tenderly.