“What’s wrong?” I said into the phone.

“She’s gone! She’s gone!” Georgiana shouted. “He’s knocked out! He’s bleeding and…and…she’s gone!”

My head was spinning as I jumped into the driver’s seat, started the truck, and took off down the drive.

“Georgiana, I can’t understand you—what’s going on?”

It sounded like she dropped the phone, then I heard Nox’s voice.


“Nox! What the fuck is going on?”

“Take Lucas’s phone. I’m on that line. Someone calm her down—and call Blayze!”

It sounded like total chaos in the background. I tossed my cell onto the dash and took the phone Lucas was holding out for me.

“Nox, what the fuck is happening? Where’s Morgan?”

“Rodney was drugged. He was in the back of the store in the office, drinking some coffee that Avery brought back for everyone. Apparently, it’s a daily thing she does. The police are already at the coffee shop now, investigating and talking to whoever made the drinks. When Rodney passed out, he hit his head on something. The women all heard the noise, and it was Avery who went back and found him. She started to yell for help, but someone grabbed her from behind and put a cloth over her mouth, knocking her out as well. We’re assuming chloroform.”

He paused. “Ryan…Morgan happened to be the one who walked to the back to investigate. Georgiana said they both heard Avery yelp, and they thought she might have hurt herself. Georgiana was helping customers, so Morgan went to the back…and that’s when someone grabbed her.”

My heart dropped to my stomach. “The cameras?”

“The camera in the office shows everything I just told you. The guy was waiting outside the frame to subdue Avery, so we only have a shot of his back. Same thing when he abducted Morgan. The outside camera captured a delivery van pulling up. The guy gets out, but we can’t see his face. He has his head down, a hat on, plus he’s holding a number of boxes. It was a UPS van, so no one thought twice about it. It usually shows up around this time to make deliveries. Whoever this guy is, he’s been watching closely. He had this whole thing planned out to almost the minute…the coffee run, the package delivery…”

“What about Morgan?” I shouted.

“A few minutes later, the same guy is on camera leaving the building, carrying a passed-out Morgan in his arms, and putting her in the van. He knew where the cameras are because he never once looked in their direction. He drove off and the police have an APB out on the van. But my guess? He’s already ditched it.”

Anger and fear fought for control as I handed the phone back to Lucas and pressed down harder on the gas.

“We should be there soon,” I heard Lucas say. He sounded far away, like he was talking through a tunnel.

“Morgan,” I whispered, fighting to hold back the tears that were pricking the back of my eyes. “I’ll find you, Morgan. I swear to God, I’ll fucking find you.”

I slumped on the sofa in our apartment and buried my face in my hands. Almost eight hours had passed since Morgan was kidnapped.

Eight fucking hours.

I’d driven the streets aimlessly most of that time, looking for any trace of the van. Nearly everyone in her family had packed into the apartment after the abduction while we’d regrouped, working to come up with a plan. Lincoln and Brock were clearly trying to be strong for everyone else, but I had seen it written all over their faces—they were scared. I was scared. Every single person in the family was scared. Some crazy-ass guy had Morgan. My Morgan.

If he put a single finger on her, I would kill him with my bare hands.

We’d all gone out to look for Morgan, but it had been fruitless. Now, the apartment was quiet, and I was drowning in my thoughts. Thoughts I shouldn’t be lost in at a time like this. Hunter, Blayze, Brock, Ty, and Tanner—and all their women—were still out searching. Dirk had been at the police station for the last four hours, trying to stay updated so he could pass along information. FBI agents from the office in Missoula had been called in, and they’d left after interviewing me, only moments ago.

A light knock on the door had me looking up to see Bradford and Savannah standing there. She rushed over and sat on the sofa, wrapping her arms around me. “I did a piece on her kidnapping on the six o’clock news.”

“Thanks, Savannah.”

Bradford was holding a couple of baking dishes. He walked into the kitchen and put them in the refrigerator, then made his way back over to me. “Put it in the oven on three-fifty to warm it when you’re hungry.”

All I could do was nod.

“Is there anything we can do, Ryan?” Bradford asked as he sat down on the seat opposite the sofa.