“No,” I said, my voice sounding raspy. “Everyone’s out looking, but no one knows what the fuck to look for. I drove around for hours, but it was fucking pointless.”

Savannah squeezed my hand. “We’re going to find her, Ryan.”

I dropped my head back…and for the first time in my adult life, let my tears fall freely. “I tried so hard to keep her safe!”

“No! Oh, Ryan, no,” Savannah said as she pulled me closer, holding me tightly. I didn’t give two fucks that Bradford was there; I cried like a goddamn baby. “This is not your fault. And she’s going to be okay. She’ll be okay,” Savannah repeated over and over, rocking me gently.

After a good five minutes, I pulled myself together and wiped my face, letting out a frustrated groan. When I glanced at Bradford, he was looking down at his phone. His expression was so odd, it caused me to pause.

Had he heard something? Was it about Morgan? My heart started to damn near beat out of my chest.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

Jerking his attention away from the phone, he shook his head. “I’m sorry, Ryan. It’s the restaurant—an emergency in the kitchen. God, I’m so damn sorry, but I might have to help get this handled before the dinner rush.”

I let out a relieved breath. “Dude, please don’t stay here on my account. Go take care of the restaurant.”

Bradford shook his head and was about to argue when Savannah said, “Sweetheart, go. I’ll stay here and make sure everyone gets some food. It’s okay.”

He looked so torn as his gaze bounced from me to Savannah. He finally nodded and stood. “I’ll call before I come back to see if I should bring any more food.”

I tried to smile but couldn’t quite manage it. “It looks like you brought enough to feed an army.”

Bradford smiled, though I saw the concern in his eyes. “Have you seen how many people are in the Shaw family?”

That time, I chuckled slightly. “Yeah, I have.”

Savannah stood and walked Bradford to the door. They spoke softly for a minute before he leaned down, kissed her, and slipped out the door.

Day turned into night and I stayed on the sofa, completely numb, wanting to go out and look for Morgan but also not wanting to leave again in case someone had an update.

Savannah had done as promised and fed everyone who came and went. She was also really good at keeping Lincoln busy.

Needing a few moments of peace, I stood to go sit in the bedroom. But before I could get there, Blayze walked up to me. “Detective Billings is here. She wants to talk to you.”

Turning, I saw the detective standing just inside the apartment, speaking to Brock. They were talking in hushed voices, and the next thing I knew, Brock was motioning to Hunter and Ty. They walked outside in a rush.

“What’s going on?” I asked, making my way over to the detective.

“I need to talk to you, but it would be best if we do it outside.”

“Morgan?” I asked, my voice cracking as I silently begged God for her to be okay.

“We haven’t found her…yet. Let’s take this outside, away from everyone else.”

I frowned, about to deny her. The family had a right to know what was going on.

Detective Billings gave me a silent pleading look before she whispered, “Not in here.”

Turning, she headed out the front door. I followed her down the steps and over to her unmarked car. She motioned for me to get in, so I did.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“There are cameras in the building.”

Confused, I asked, “What building?”

She pointed to our building. “The FBI found two in the store and four on the second floor. They’re in the attic space now, above the apartment. There are two in the living room, and one in each bedroom and bathroom. They don’t want to disconnect them yet in case the kidnapper finds out we know about them.”

A sick feeling swarmed my body. How in the fuck had Nox missed the cameras? “He’s been watching us?”

She nodded. “That’s how the bastard knew everywhere you were going, what your plans were. Ryan, he’s been watching the two of you…” She cleared her throat and went on. “He’s been watching you together.”

I threw open the door to the car, leaned out, and threw up.

Chapter Twenty–Two


I’d had the cabin prepped for months. Painstakingly made sure it was perfect for her. There was a design table for her to keep making her pretty dresses. A king-size bed where we would finally be joined as one. A big kitchen, because I knew my Morgan wanted to learn to cook. Then there was the huge bathroom. I’d recently added the large soaking tub after seeing how she loved to take baths.

Shutting the door, I walked over to the bedroom. Morgan had woken up four hours ago. I’d watched her screaming over and over for help, but I knew no one would hear her so far out of town. There were no windows in the room and no way for her to get out. She eventually started to sob, finally crying herself back to sleep.