She looked down at her phone as she waited, tracking how long she’d been standing there and mentally debating on how long to wait. After another minute with no answer, Anna let her shoulders fall as she turned away. He either wasn’t home or didn’t want to see her.

A new plan was forming, but she needed to get away from here. She would just call him and save herself the heartache of an in-person rejection. This was for the best.

Halfway down the driveway, Brian’s car turned in, the headlights washing over her as she looked in the car and saw not only him but a blonde woman in the passenger seat.

Embarrassed, Anna picked up her pace as the car stopped. In all the scenarios she’d run through in her mind, him having other company wasn’t one. She should have thought about that one because now she looked like a fool.

“Anna,” Brian called out for her.

She ignored him and did her best not to break out into a full run to get away.

“Anna, wait,” he called out again.

He was getting closer. She stopped and turned to face him, waiting for him to catch up.

“Sorry. I was just going. I’ll get out of your way,” she stared at the ground.

“What are you doing here, Anna?” Brian asked.

“Nothing. I’m sorry. This was a bad idea,” she rambled.

“Anna.” Brian took a step closer and used one finger to urge her chin up so he could see her.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Interrupt?” Brian asked. He seemed confused. “What would you be interrupting?”

“Me,” the blonde woman approached them. She was tall, not as tall as Brian, but tall and supermodel thin. Definitely the type of woman that was more fitting for Brian than her.

“What?” Brian asked the other woman.

“Men are so dense.” The woman rolled her eyes at Brian before holding one hand out to Anna.

“Hi, I’m Holly, this idiot’s sister. You must be the woman that’s had my brother tied up in knots for the last month?”

Anna reached out and shook her hand as she processed what the woman was telling her. She wasn’t a threat, just a family member.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Anna managed.

“You too.” She took her hand back and turned to Brian, holding it out, palm up.

“What?” he snapped at her.

“Keys. I’m leaving.”

“You don’t have to do that. I can go. I should have called first,” Anna told her.

“I do. And you need to stay.” Holly shoved her hand at her brother again. “Or, I mean, I could always hang out around here. I’m sure you’re looking for a third wheel.”

“Don’t damage my car,” Brian bit out. He handed her the keys that were in his pocket and Holly smiled at him.

“It’s like you don’t trust me,” Holly said jokingly.

“I don’t.” Brian took Anna’s hand. “Wait.” He took the keys back and slid just the car key off the keyring. “I need my house keys.”

Holly laughed. “It was nice meeting you,” she told Anna as she walked away.

“Come inside?” Brian asked.