Anna nodded, not trusting her voice.
“Let’s go before she starts backing up,” he groaned, watching Holly get in the car.
Anna followed him back up the driveway, not stopping at the car as they walked past. Holly was grinning at them and gave Anna an enthusiastic wave as they passed.
“I’m sorry I interrupted your night with your sister,” Anna said as Brian opened the door.
“I’m not.” He let her in and closed the door behind him as she walked in behind her. “Can I get you anything?”
“No, thank you. I just needed to tell you I was sorry for everything. For what happened between us and me not talking to you,” she rushed the words out. “I miss you. I love you and I just wanted to let you know.”
Now she wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere and hide. Where had those words come from? That was nothing like what she had planned to say, though now that they were out there, she found she did mean them.
Brian stood very still, watching her. “Say that again?”
“I’m sorry?” she tried.
“The other thing.”
“I love you, Brian.”
She watched as he took a deep breath and his body relaxed as he blew it back out. “Thank God. I love you, too.”
Brian took two steps toward her and pulled her into his arms, covering her mouth with his. Anna wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close as she answered his kiss with her own needs.
Chapter nineteen
Brianpulledbackandlooked into Anna’s eyes again. He couldn’t believe she was here or that she loved him.
He had known for the last few weeks that the hole in his heart was caused by her being gone which could only mean that he loved her but he didn’t want to go to her yet. He planned to wait until she had a chance to settle into her new job first.
His plans hadn’t mattered as she was here and he’d never been happier. From this moment forward she was going to have a hard time disappearing on him again, he’d find a way to get her to talk things through.
“I’m so sorry,” Anna whispered again.
“I am too. I’m sorry I pressed you so hard and then let you walk away when I was upset. I never should have pushed you.” He meant it. It was the biggest regret of his life until now.
“I just needed to tell you how I felt. I was so scared you wouldn’t want me anymore,” she confessed.
“There is no chance of that happening, ever.” He pressed another kiss to her forehead and held her in his arms. “I was going to come to you.”
“You were?” Anna backed away to look at him.
Brian nodded. They were still standing in his foyer. “Come in?” he laughed out.
Anna followed him into the living room.
“Do you have time to stay a while?” Brian asked, already not wanting her to leave.
“I didn’t think about what would happen next,” she admitted. “I sort of barely made it past the apology and then was scared you wouldn’t want me to stay.”
“I really, really want you to stay,” he told her. It was a Sunday night, though, so he knew she might not be able to.
Anna nodded. “I have to leave early to get ready for work.”
Brian laughed. “I’d offer to drive you, but I don’t have a car right now.”
“Your sister seems nice,” she said quietly.