Page 49 of Ace

“I know. The thing is, he was drunk. Like really drunk.”

“Oh.” It wasn’t the reaction I needed, and my heart sinks further. Lucy picks up on it and rushes to reassure me. “I’m sure he meant it. People do talk the truth when drunk.”

“But that’s no good if he doesn’t remember it today. He’s acting like nothing happened.”

“Have you asked him?”

“No,” I almost screech. “I can’t just ask him, it’s embarrassing.”

“You have a right to know where you stand. These men think they can do whatever they like, and I’m sick of it. Take control and—” She’s cut off when Tag storms into the clubhouse looking pissed as hell.

“Lucy Corallo,” he bellows, and she groans. “You were supposed to drop my son off to me today, or did you forget again?”

“No, I didn’t forget. I was bringing him later.” Her voice is strong and fierce, and I’m shocked she isn’t quaking in her boots as the anger rolls off Tag.

“We agreed on ten o’clock.”

“You agreed, I didn’t. You sent your damn monkey to arrange it while you were on a date!”

Tag half smiles. “And your point?”

“My point,” she hisses, standing, “is that if you want to order me to bring your child to see you, then the least you can do is deliver the message yourself.” She’s so far in his face, I find myself wincing. Damn, when did this girl get so ballsy?

“You’re playing a fucking game that you won’t win, Lucy.”

“I already am, Tag, because your son isn’t where you ordered him to be, and I know that’s fucking with your head.” She almost looks smug, and I swear, steam comes out of his ears.

I stand, drawing both of their attention to me and Abel. “So, you went on a date?” I ask, and Tag gives me his cocky smile. “What the hell happened to you two? You love each other.”

“She kicked me out.”

“You deserved it,” snaps Lucy.

“Ace and I don’t want this. We don’t want you guys fighting over what happened. Life is too short.”

Lucy shuffles her feet. “He wasted no time in dating again.”

“I didn’t go on a date. Anton was just saying that to piss you off,” mumbles Tag, and they both remind me of teenagers.

“Take a few hours to sort your shit out. I’ll watch Abel. I promise not to leave the club with him.”

Lucy sighs. “No, you should be resting.”

“Go,” I order. “I insist.”

Tag takes Lucy by the hand. “Why don’t we stay here? We’ll go upstairs and talk. If Mae gets tired, she can bring Abel up to us.” Lucy reluctantly agrees, and he drags her away.

Chapter Nineteen


Doc called to update me about Mae, so I’m surprised when I get back from an hour-long walk to find her sitting with Abel and reading him a story. She looks up at me and smiles before going back to the story. I want so bad to let the world know how I feel about her, but I’m not rushing this. It needs to be perfect.

“Pres,” pants Hulk, running into the clubhouse. “We need to call church, now.”

It’s urgent, I see it in his face, so we send a message out to all the guys, and within the hour, everyone is gathered around the large table in church. “Anton has him,” blurts out Hulk. “He has Lorenzo. Tag doesn’t know yet.”

I stand. “Got him where?”