Page 48 of Ace

She smiles, and it’s the first smile I’ve seen on her gorgeous face in days. “Sleep on it. You’re drunk, and I want a sober discussion.” I nod, placing a kiss on her nose and snuggling behind her. I feel lighter than I have in months.


I barely sleep. Mainly because of nightmares and flashbacks, but also because I keep going over our conversation. Smiling, I climb from bed and head for the shower. It’s the first morning that I’ve felt more like my old self. I don’t feel sick or weak, and although I am tired, I’m happier than I have been in a while.

Ace is still sleeping, so I dress quietly. He was so drunk that I’m sure he’ll suffer a hangover today. Once I’m ready, I creep over to where he sleeps and place a gentle kiss on his cheek. He stirs, stretching his arms out and then groaning when the light hurts his bloodshot eyes. I smile with pity, I hate hangovers. “Shall I ask my mum to bring you her hangover cure?”

He shakes his head, letting out another groan. “No, I can’t stomach the thought of raw egg and whatever other shit she mixes in there.”

“She loves a potion,” I say. “I used to think she was a witch.”

I wait patiently while Ace showers. I can’t hide the fact that I’m disappointed. I was hoping he’d wake and want to discuss our conversation from last night, but he didn’t so much as kiss me on the head as he passed me for the bathroom.

When he returns, he’s already dressed in last night’s clothes. “I’m gonna go and get changed,” he says, rubbing his hair with the towel. “Do you want some breakfast brought up?”

“Actually, I thought we could go downstairs and have breakfasttogether,” I suggest, hoping he’ll take the hint.

“I’m not all that hungry, Mae. I feel sick as a dog. Speaking of dogs, I need to take Dodge for a walk.”

“Well, I could come.”

“I don’t think you’re ready. I’ll send Doc up and then ask Mystique to bring you some breakfast.”

“Is she staying?” I ask, changing the topic. I’d meant to ask before, but somehow, it slipped my mind. I’m grateful that she helped us get out of there, but I don’t trust her like Ace seems to, and I certainly don’t like the way she is around him.

“Yeah, I told her she can stay as long as she likes. We owe her, Mae.”

“We don’t really know her.”

“We don’t know a lot of people we take in here. We give people a chance, and I like her. She’s had a tough life, she deserves a break.” I nod, my heart sinking. With no mention of our conversation last night, I’m beginning to think he’s forgotten since he was really drunk.

“Well, can I leave the room today? I feel so much better.”

“Let Doc take a look, and if he’s happy with your progress, then I don’t see why not.” A small victory at least. I need to get out of this room.

Ace leaves without kissing me or telling me when he’ll be back to see me. Doc comes in and does his usual checks. I tell him I feel much better, and he agrees that I’m perhaps over the worst of it. I’m instructed to take it easy for a few more days, but he’s happy for me to leave my room. He does another pregnancy test because I keep pestering him to put my mind at rest. It’s negative, which again is more good news. He insists we do another in a week’s time, even though this test is one of the good ones that tells you how far along you are. I feel confident that I’m in the clear.

It’s weird venturing outside my room. Scar sticks with me, and it’s sweet how much he cares. “Where’s Ace?” I ask.

“He went for a walk with Dodge and Mystique.”

“Right.” I sigh. “Has that been happening a lot since I’ve been locked away?”

“They get on. She feels close to him after what you all went through.” The bitch in me wants to roll my eyes, but instead, I nod and smile. She wants to win him over, and right now, I feel like that’s a possibility. Spotting Lucy, I make a beeline for her.

“Morning. It’s great to see you up and about.” She smiles, hugging me.

“It feels good,” I admit. I take Abel from her, and he nuzzles into my chest. “I need to vent.” I sigh, taking a seat on the couch.

“Okay, go ahead.”

“Is it weird if I talk to you about Ace, because it feels weird?”

“It’s not for me, unless you talk about,” she pauses and glances around and then lowers her voice, “sex.”

“Ugh, I don’t want to talk about that,” I say, covering Abel’s ears. “Last night, he admitted that he loved me.”

Lucy’s eyes widen and she smiles. “Wow, that’s huge.”