Page 12 of Ace

“Shut the fuck up, Angel,” Piper snaps. “The Pres will go mental when he hears you talking to a club family member like this.”

“I doubt it. One day, I’ll be his old lady, then I can talk any way I want to.”

“Mae’s right, Angel,” says Scar. “Shut the hell up. You ain’t an old lady yet.”

I listen to their exchange feeling mortified, all the while wondering where the hell she’s heard all this. Would Ace really tell her what happened between us?

“I’m just being straight with her,” Angel defends. “Ace is too nice to say it, but I’m not. Back the fuck off because he isn’t into you like that. He’s old enough to be your dad.”

I take a steadying breath, realising the only way to face this humiliation is to deny everything. “What are you talking about?” I ask. “I’m not into him like that. We’re friends.”

“Cut the crap. We know,” says Angel, laughing harder. “We know you have a crush on him. He told us.”

“Angel, I swear to god, Pres is gonna kill you for this,” snaps Scar.

I can’t stop the redness warming my cheeks as I’m hit with embarrassment. I look around at the girls, then to Scar. “Is she right? Did he tell everyone?”

“No,” says Scar, rushing towards me. “He wouldn’t do that—”

I can’t listen to him lie, so I rush off in the direction of the bathroom, jumping the queue while muttering an apology, and locking myself in a cubicle. Humiliation hits me hard, and I lean over the toilet, retching. Tears burn my eyes.I can’t believe he’s done this to me.

Chapter Five


I lean against the wall, watching the street below me. What the fuck did I just do? One minute, I’m talking to Mae, and the next, I have my tongue down her throat. I groan, burying my face in my hands. I’ve never looked at Mae like I did tonight, and I don’t know if I have the makeover to thank for that, or the fact that I now know how she feels. Either way, I’m screwed. I push myself off the wall and head back inside. I’ll figure it out.

I see Mae rushing towards the bathroom looking upset. Scar is about to follow her, but Angel grabs his arm to stop him. I groan again—this can’t be good.

“What happened?” I ask as I approach them from behind. They both jump, and Angel smirks. Scar glares at her, arching a brow. “Start talking, Angel.”

“I told her straight, you’re not interested in little girls.”

“You did what?” I growl.

“In front of us all,” Piper chips in.

Rage fills me. “Why the fuck would you do that?”

“I did you a favour,” Angel argues, looking outraged.

“It wasn’t your place. You’re a fucking club whore.”

“Who sleeps in your bed,” she reminds me. “I have a right to tell the bitch to back off.”

I step forward, but Scar holds me back. “Don’t, Pres, she ain’t worth it.”

I take a calming breath. “Get the fuck out of my face, Angel. I’m about to break my number one rule,” I growl. “And don’t be in my fucking bed when I get home.”

She rolls her eyes and grabs her bag. “Whatever.”

“I tried to stop her, Pres. She runs her mouth wider than she spreads her legs,” explains Scar as we watch her leave.

“I’d better go and smooth things with Mae.” I sigh. “Was she okay?”

Scar winces and shakes his head. “It was pretty humiliating for her. Actually, can I ask you something?” I nod. “I just wanna check there’s nothing between you two. I asked her on a date and all, and I don’t wanna step on your toes.”

I laugh, ignoring the twist inside, and pat him on the shoulder. “Firstly, you couldn’t step on my toes cos I’d chop your damn feet off. And secondly, Mae is a friend, part of my club. But not my old lady and far too young for me.”