Page 11 of Ace

“What’s going on with you?” asks Lucy. “Why the sudden urge to get yourself out there?”

I shrug. “Seeing you getting married and settling, everyone else seems to be attached to someone, I don’t know, I guess I’m sick of being on my own.”

“It’s about time, if you ask me,” says Piper.

I spot Ace and Angel moving towards the roof terrace. A jealousy burns through me, and before I can talk myself out of it, I’m on my feet. “I need to pee,” I say, excusing myself from the table. I have no idea what I’m going to do, I just know I can’t sit by, knowing they’re out there having sex. Even as I follow them, I’m trying to convince myself it’s a stupid move. Outside, the air is fresh, and I shiver. Piper wouldn’t let me wear a jacket because it didn’t go with the outfit.

Ace has his strong, tattooed arms wrapped around Angel, and they’re both peering over the wall, looking down on the street below. He looks back at me. “Mae,” he says, looking concerned. He straightens up and moves towards me. “Everything okay?”

I nod. “I needed some air,” I say, smiling. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were both out here.”

“Join us,” he offers, and I’m relieved he’s acting like normal.

Angels laughs. “Are you serious right now?”

Ace looks back at her. “Stop,” he says, his tone warning.

She rolls her eyes. “Fine, I’ll leave you twoalone,” she mutters, heading back inside.

I wait until she’s gone and smile. “Sorry, I just wanted air.”

“Don’t mind her.” Ace shrugs out of his jacket and then places it around my shoulders. “You’re cold.”

“Piper said I couldn’t wear a jacket cos it messed up the outfit,” I explain.

He grins. “Well, you look great. I was hoping to get a minute alone with you tonight.”

My heart dances with joy as he points me in the direction of the seating area. Once we’re sitting down, he smiles awkwardly. “I hate that we’re fighting. I’ve handled this all wrong. I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you for being honest. You can’t help your feelings, and I’m flattered, I really am.”

“But?” I ask, because I know there is one.

“But . . . I’m not good enough for you. I’m all kinds of bad, Mae. The shit I’ve done haunts me at night. You should be with a decent man, one who’s as good inside as you.”

I give a small smile. “I’ll work my way through the line of men just waiting to take me out,” I joke.

He smiles too. “You’re too guarded, Mae. You don’t put yourself out there enough.”

“I know. I’m gonna try harder.”

Ace places a finger under my chin and lifts my face to look at his. His bright blue eyes send shivers down my spine. “You won’t be single for long, not once you start looking. I wish things could be different, and if I were a few years younger . . .” He sighs. “Sorry.”

I nod sadly, forcing another smile. “Thanks for clearing the air. I promise not to lay any more kisses on you.”

I expect him to laugh too, but he’s staring intently at my mouth, like he’s lost in thought. There’s conflict in his eyes, like he’s at war with himself, and then he moves closer, just a fraction. I hold my breath, not daring to believe he might kiss me. I daren’t make a sound as he moves closer still, until he’s a breath away. Finally, his lips gently press against mine for a brief second, then his brow furrows and he tilts his head slightly to swipe his tongue against my lips. Instinctively, I open for him, and Ace doesn’t hesitate to close his mouth over mine in a hungry kiss. I feel lightheaded as his hands move to either side of my face, settling in my hair and tugging gently at the roots. It feels so good, I curl my toes.

Ace begins to stand, pulling me with him and keeping our mouths joined. He walks me backwards until I hit the wall. Standing with him towering over me like this is a huge turn-on. He keeps one hand tangled in my hair as the other travels down my body, his fingers lightly stroking along my ribs until he gets to my arse. Cupping a handful of flesh, he gently pulls me closer to him until I feel his erection between our bodies.

Suddenly, Ace pulls away, panting. His eyes dart around like a wild animal looking for an escape. “Shit,” he mutters.

I don’t want to give him a chance to reject me, and I know it’s coming just by the regret written all over his face. I stand on my tiptoes and place a gentle kiss on his cheek, and then I turn away and head back inside.

I head straight to the girls, feeling a little smug as I pass the table where Angel is sitting with Scar. I’m about to take a seat when Angel shouts my name. I roll my eyes, and Piper pats my hand. “Don’t bite,” she whispers as I turn to face her.

“You seem awfully happy for someone who just got rejected,” she says. Scar mutters something in her ear, and she scowls at him. Club girls shouldn’t mouth off to members or their family, and I’m sure he’s relaying that reminder.

I arch a brow. “Rejected?” I repeat, smirking.If only she knew.

“That’s why I gave you space, so he could put an end to your stupid little crush.” She gives a laugh. “I mean, seriously, do you honestly think a man like him, the club President, would look at you? Aren’t you still a virgin?” She laughs again.