Page 50 of Ace

“Not sure. He didn’t give much away.”

“So, what does he want us to do?”

“He’s waiting on your instruction. He said the Mafia want him gone, doesn’t care how.”

“He’s letting us make the kill?”

“Anton said you should get it, after what he did to you and Mae.”

“Okay, I need to think about it. I want him to suffer, but I want to talk to Mae and Mystique about it.”

“The other thing is, Anton seems to think the spy is one of the club girls. Something Tag’s dad said.”

“I need more than that, Hulk. I can’t go slitting throats if I don’t know who the fuck it is.”

“It’s something we’ll need to get out of Lorenzo.”

I decide to tell Mystique first. Mae is still with Abel, and she looks settled, so I don’t want to ruin her smile just yet. I get Mystique in my office and she sits opposite me. “We have Lorenzo.”

She inhales sharply. “I didn’t think we’d ever see him again.”

“You don’t have to. I just thought you should know.”

“What’s gonna happen to him?”

“He’ll die. Slow and painful, I’ll make sure of it.”

She nods, letting that sink in before shrugging her shoulders. “Good, I’m glad. I don’t want him to hurt anyone else like that.”

“I’ll let you know when he’s not breathing our air anymore.”

“Can I be there?” I hesitate. I wasn’t expecting that, and like Mae keeps pointing out, we don’t know this chick. She’d be a witness, and Hulk would not be happy, plus we never allow women around club business, but I nod anyway. She deserves closure and, technically, she isn’t a woman of The Rebellion yet.

Next, I call in Mae, and she leaves Abel with Scar. “Doc is pleased with your progress,” I say.

“Is that why you called me in here all official?”

“No, I have some news. We have Lorenzo.”

Her face pales. “Oh.”

“Aren’t you happy?” I was expecting her to at least look relieved, but she looks anxious.

“I’m happy he can’t hurt anyone. It’s what happens next that worries me.”


“Because I know what you want to do with him.”

“He deserves it, Mae,” I growl.

“He does, but I want to be there, and I know what you’re gonna say to that.”

I fall silent, trying to get my words right. I know she needs the closure too, but as her man,almost,I should take care of this so she doesn’t have to deal with having that on her conscience. “You know my rules on that, Mae. No women allowed around club business, especially business like that.”

“How is that fair when I was the one they attacked? I should get to watch him suffer.”

“You don’t want those images in your head, baby. It’s bad enough you stuck a screwdriver in the guy back at the house. And I know that gives you nightmares. I hear you scream out and see you wake up looking at your hands for blood.”