“I’ve only had a few special people in my life, and I lost one of them. I fear the remaining two won’t get along.”
“And you’ll have to choose,” he says, catching on.
“I don’t want to lose anyone else.”
“You won’t,” Eagle promises and kisses me until I can’t breathe.
Releasing me from his sexy embrace, Eagle struts over to the passenger door. I grin at his cocky demeanor. Yes, his kisses do leave me stupefied.
Hurrying over to Fiona’s door, I fumble trying to open it. My lust has my brain focused in the wrong direction. Finally, Eagle helps me get the door open.
Fiona stops talking to the dog about how we need to whisper better.
“Is it bright out? Can I open my eyes?” Fiona asks, wanting to see Eagle.
Guiding her from the SUV, I warn, “It’s sunny out. Better wait until you’re inside.”
Eagle quickly adds, “I had them close most of the shades and keep off the lights except in the kitchen where people are cooking. It’ll be calmer inside.”
Fiona smiles at his words. I think she’s admiring his voice. I feel a blush across my cheeks at the dirty stories I’ve shared with Fiona about Eagle. I’m fairly certain she won’t blurt anything out, but these are all new experiences. It’s possible she might turn into a ham and start blabbing about all the reenactments I’ve done for her.
Gatsby climbs out of the SUV. While I get Fiona’s cane ready, I tell the dog to do his business. He won’t want to leave her side once people are around. Gatsby is trained to protect and guide his owner. I’ve always admired his commitment. However, he’s gotten overly protective since Fiona’s brothers entered the picture. I worry he’ll transfer his hate for them to the men inside this house.
As the dog sniffs around a nearby tree in the surrounding woods, Fiona reaches out to shake Eagle’s hand. She stops halfway and tugs off her mitten. I smile at how she wants to know how his hands feel. I’ve mentioned their power on more than one occasion.
Fiona is no doubt remembering my stories since she giggles at the feel of his palm. I grin at her amusement as she returns her hand to the glove.
“It’s not that cold inside,” Eagle says, seeming unsure.
“It’s to pad her hands if she falls.”
“Armor had the furniture moved around to make it easier for her to walk.”
“Armor’s your vice president, correct?” I ask as Gatsby returns and we begin moving toward the Pigsty’s long front steps.
“Yeah. I explained how I needed the house to be comfortable. No one will bang into her.”
“They can’t bang into Irina, either,” Fiona says, and I freeze at how she might share my baby secret. “Or Gatsby. Is banging a normal thing?”
“My club brother, Walla Walla, gets rowdy. I mean we all do, but he can forget his size and bang into people. He promised to be careful today.”
“I’m sorry,” Fiona says as we reach the first step. “Am I ruining your party?”
His tone shuts down any more discussion on that topic. Fiona holds on to the railing on her right side and me on her left. The first three steps go fine. On the fourth, she misjudges and nearly falls forward.
“I’m going to die,” she says, panicking as her millions of fears come rushing back.
“Let’s just rest.”
Fiona already looks exhausted. “I want to go home.”
“We can leave soon.”
“I want to go inside.”
“We’re almost there.”