Page 71 of Pieces We Keep

“Tomorrow might not come,” Fiona says ominously. “We might die tonight. I’m going to remember that when I get scared inside this place. I need to enjoy myself now because I might not get anything more.”

“No one will hurt you here.”

Fiona doesn’t respond. I used to promise she was safe going to her father’s house for dinner. We just needed to walk a short way. She could be brave. I would protect her. Yet, she’s gotten knocked down, yelled at, teased, and slapped. Though I cleaned up the mess, I never saved her. Just like I didn’t protect Owen.

A knock at the window startles us both. Fiona shrinks down in the seat. She waits for me to reassure her. Fatigue makes speaking difficult.

I turn to find Eagle frowning in at me. When our gazes meet, a smile warms his face. I’ve noticed how he frowns a lot when he isn’t engaged with another person. He seems to feel under threat at all times, much like Fiona.

With the heart of a hurt child, Eagle requires such simple things to be happy. If I can stay focused, I can give him what he needs.

“It’s Eagle,” I tell Fiona and reach over to stroke her cheek. “Let me get out and talk to him. I’ll come around for you. Don’t get out on your own. Stay with Gatsby.”

The dog stops staring at Eagle through the open window and glances at where his name was spoken.

I turn off the engine and climb out. Eagle looks awkward like he isn’t sure if he knows me.

“I’m nervous to meet everyone,” I admit.

Breaking out of his uncertainty, he wraps his arms around me. I fit snugly against his hard body.

“You’ve already met most of them.”

“Are they already here?”

“Some of them, yeah. Wynonna will probably pounce on you as soon as you enter. Don’t let her scare you. She’s a good friend to have. The sisters, Selene and Yazmin, are passive. They don’t know how to bully anyone. Landry has five kids to watch over. She’ll be curious, but too busy to bug you.”

Sensing what I crave, Eagle kisses me. His lips act as a shot of adrenaline. I wrap my arms around his waist and suck at his tongue. He tastes so good. This right here erases the world’s troubles.

Fiona’s voice draws me back to reality. I release Eagle’s lips and swoon. My brain struggles to care about anything except gluing myself to his body.

Eagle glances at the SUV, where Fiona speaks to Gatsby. I stare at his face as he peeks in on her.

“She’s afraid,” I whisper.

“Of me?”

“Of everything.”

When Eagle frowns, I get my back up. Stepping away from him, I struggle between my desire for this man and the need to protect the person who saved me.

“Can she get up the stairs?” he asks when I just stare at him.

“Probably. You’ll need to be patient.”

“Are you worried I’m going to fuck this up?”

“No,” I lie.

“I hate my sisters. When they talk to me, I want to punch them in their bitchy faces. But when they need something, I help them. You should think I’m a wuss rather than the bad guy.”

“Those are your sisters. You trained yourself to endure them when you were too young to have a choice. You’re a grown man now.”

“I like when you lecture me. It’s hot like I’m a naughty student, and you’re my pissed teacher.”

Laughing at his bullshit, I shuffle closer. “You’re perfect and addictive.”

“Then, why are you looking at me like I’m a dickhead?”