Page 68 of Pieces We Keep


I’m instantly intriguedby Eagle’s text regarding Thanksgiving. Spending time with his closest friends on a major family holiday is a big step in a relationship. However, I’m unsure when he offers for Fiona to join us.

“They’re going to make fun of me!” she squeals dramatically and throws a pillow at the wall.

“No, they aren’t cruel people.”

Fiona never rolls her eyes, but she has a certain look that’s basically her way of saying “Yeah, sure.”

“You don’t have to come if you’re uncomfortable,” I promise and hug her.

Fiona flat-out refuses to take part in what will be a punishing endeavor. However, she doesn’t demand I choose between Eagle and her.

Hours later, Fiona starts crying after we finish our evening snack. “I want to go, but I’m afraid.”

“You’ve been doing well during dinners with your father. It would be the same thing. You’d take a Xanax to stay calm.”

“Do I look stupid with all my gear on?”

“No,” I lie.

Fiona’s eyes might be closed, but her lips purse together like I’m not fooling her.

“I want to meet Eagle,” Fiona admits as I stroke her head. “And I’d like to be able to picture where you go when you leave. But I don’t want them to see me. They’re going to laugh and call me names.”

“No, they won’t be mean.”

“They’re bikers, Irina. They’re probably bullies, especially to bad people. Never forget my last name.”

“You’re my family. They won’t pick on you, or I’ll get angry.”

Fiona instantly grins. “Do you think those big men with their muscles and tattoos will be afraid of your temper?”

“Sure, men like them don’t want to endure a woman’s tears.”

“Oh, well, I can cry, too.”

“But maybe we won’t need to. They could be kindhearted. And it won’t be just them. Their families will be there for Thanksgiving. I can’t imagine them behaving cruelly while children are around.”

Fiona considers my words. “I don’t know what turkey tastes like.”

“It’s like chicken.”

“Do I have to talk to people?”


“Will you make me look as normal as possible, so no one laughs?”

“Of course.”