Page 67 of Pieces We Keep

That’s how Ruin views solid relationships. No fucking around and dating. Just move the woman into your place, marry her, and make a kid. In Armor’s case, he adopted the boy, but the result is the same.

Now, I’m supposed to follow the established blueprint. And if I don’t, Ruin won’t consider Irina as the real deal. That’s what Wynonna’s crap was about, too. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they scheduled their visits for the same day.

“Irina had a family years ago,” I tell Ruin who manages to never move yet still crowd me. “The guy was a dud. Then, she lost her son and a baby she was carrying. She’s afraid to try again. That’s why she uses Fiona as an anchor to keep her from moving forward. Now, maybe you’d order Irina to get over her shit, but I’m willing to allow her more time.”

Ruin is probably giving me a dirty look. If he wants that expression to hit, he should take off his fucking glasses.

“Invite her to Thanksgiving dinner here. It’ll be packed, and she won’t feel on the spot. It’ll be good for her to see we aren’t whatever she’s hearing from the Rogers family.”

“She might bring Fiona.”

Ruin doesn’t move a muscle, yet I feel him tense. “That’s fine.”

“She can’t have Walla Walla running around yelling or Goose honking at people.”

“Tell Armor the rules and he’ll make sure they behave.”

Changing the subject from my shit, I ask, “How’s your woman feeling?”

Ruin shrugs. “Selene was tickled fucking pink to find out she’s pregnant, but she remained scared to get her hopes up. Now, with the upcoming ultrasound and learning the gender, I think she’s finally trusting this baby will stick.”

“And her dizziness problem?

“Her vertigo keeps her down a lot, but Yazmin spends her days at our place to help. The sisters like the extra time together, especially with little Gavin and the puppy.”

“So, it’s all good?”

“Yeah,” Ruin says and rubs his jaw. “You should get Irina to go on a spa day with Selene and the girls.”

Staring at my president, I fight the urge to roll my eyes. He and Wynonna are so damn transparent sometimes. I don’t like them talking about my life behind my back.

Their behavior makes me think of when Asshole Lloyd would twist my mom up with his sweet words about how I didn’t really need to join them on the family vacations. Or how I wouldn’t fit in with his relatives for Thanksgiving. Or how I needed my private space, so locking my ass in the basement was the right thing to do.

I know Ruin and Wynonna aren’t my enemies like Asshole Lloyd is, but that doesn’t make me cool with their plotting.

Having anyone making plans for Irina is even worse. She’s mine to protect. I’m already chomping at the bit to kill that fucker Jimbo. The only reason I haven’t ended him is the fear that his death might blow back on her.

After Ruin leaves me to go hassle his sister, I check my phone to find pictures of the guesthouse from Irina. I still can’t really visualize the space. My brain isn’t wired to imagine shit I haven’t experienced. I probably just lack a solid imagination.

Since I know she’s watching her phone, I ask about Thanksgiving. Irina replies immediately. She throws in a bunch of emojis to show her excitement. I’m relieved Irina doesn’t talk herself out of taking this big step in our relationship.

Fully aware of the power of holiday meals, I’ll be staking my claim on her in front of my closest friends. That’s why Asshole Lloyd never wanted me at his family’s holiday dinners. He’d be saying I mattered and deserved respect.

What he refused to offer me is what I’ll provide for Irina.